Jul 21, 2008

Have you ever woken up one day and had an overwhelming sense of clarity regarding a situation you were in? Well I have. And it happened to me 2 months and 6 days ago. I woke up that morning and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could no longer be in the situation I was in any longer and I had to do something about it. There was no question, no hesitation. Just a matter of fact. It had to be done. My situation had been declining rapidly over the course of the past 15 or 16 months. I knew this whole time, as things continually got worse, that eventually I would have to do something about this. But I didn't know how. I didn't know when. It was overwhelming, terrifying, and seemingly impossible to fathom.

None of that mattered anymore as I woke up that morning and determined that "This is the day things are going to change. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I don't know how it is all going to work out." But I somehow knew that it would be OK. It had to be. Because I had lost myself and I needed to get myself back. I was smothering, I was drowning and I didn't even know who I was anymore. Day to day life had become a depressing chore of being miserable but trying to maintain the illusion that everything was A.O.K for my kids' sake.

That day was 2 months and 6 days ago. And while I am not going to go into any great detail about the situation or what has gone on the last two months, I will say this: I feel human again. I feel alive again. I feel like the massive weight I had on my shoulders for so long has been lifted. I wake up and see the sun. I hear the birds. I play with my kids. I feel free to enjoy my kids. I feel like I can be at home. Little things that I didn't even realize were sucking the life out of me are things I don't have to worry about anymore. I have a tan. I have a hair cut. I wear make up. I have pretty finger and toe nails. I bought some new jewelry and clothes. I'm enrolling in school this fall. My daughter is taking swimming lessons. I'm re-establishing old relationships and enjoying a couple of new friends. My girls are flourishing and having a fabulous summer.

So many doors have shut the past few years for me......and many, many, many windows are opening up. And I am thoroughly enjoying spreading my wings and flying through all of those open windows. I've felt broken for a long time. I'm not saying things are a piece of cake. There are definite challenges. But I am embracing those challenges now rather than wondering how I am going to make it through another day. And every day, another window seems to appear out of nowhere and open right up.

Right now, at this moment in time, life is good. And it's been a long time since I could honestly say that! BOO-YAH!!


Dawn said...

And that says it all!


Barb said...

You know, when you and I met last fall, we didn't really get a chance to talk much to each other, but I sensed a quiet strength in you and I suspected you didn't know you had it.

I'm so proud of you, Kristen, for having the courage to do what had to be done.

It's so nice to hear sunshine in your voice again.

Good for you! I think you'd be surprised how many of us out here are cheering you on.

Susie said...

Hi Kristen,
You sound positive and upbeat. So glad to see a cheery post from you and know that life is treating you well again!

someone else said...

Bless you!

Linda said...

It's so good to reconnect with you Kristen. I have prayed for you and am so glad to hear that things are going well. I pray that you will continue to be strengthened as you make new beginnings.
Blessings to all of you!

Unknown said...

So incredibly proud and amazed of who you are. I knew you could do this and I love you!

Sam said...

Hi Kristen!

I'm so glad you're back! You've definitely been missed around here! :-)

It sounds like you're doing extremely well and I'm so happy to hear it. I can't tell you how much I know the feeling you descibe--the feeling of a tremendous weight being lifted off your shoulders--and it feels just incredible. So freeing. Good for you for making the changes you needed to make in your life! I have no doubt that windows will continue to open for you.

I'm just so glad you're back! :-)

Sammy (I used to comment on your blog as Samantha.)

Linds said...

Kristen, it is so good to see you up and so positive. We are here to cheer you on!

nancygrayce said...

So glad to see you back! I am praying for you and your kiddos! You're a strong, Godly woman and God will bless you! Just keep that chin up with God's hand underneath!

C. H. Green said...

You're not going to believe this, but I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. I, too, am beginning to feel human again. Amazing what 2 months of good sleep will do for you, huh. I still have stressful days, but in general I'm getting better! And so are you. We will get through this together. Praise the Lord!

Carole Burant said...

Dearest Kristen,

Your mom just sent me your new URL and I'm soooo happy to see that you're ok...and you really are OK, I can tell:-) I think you made the right decision to get YOUR life back and it sounds like your children are benefiting from it as well. Your broken wings are certainly healing...you go girl!! xoxo

Andrea said...

What a wonderful post, my friend. I can feel the hope seeping through your words on the computer screen. I can practically see your smile and your bright eyes full of life again.

I may not ever know the details -- and that's okay -- but I know all I need to know...YOU ARE OKAY. And that is good enough for me!!

Can't wait to see pictures of your girls. They must all be growing like crazy!!

groovyoldlady said...

You Go, girl! I am praying for you and the kids! The Lord WILL restore the years that the locusts have eaten. He will, He WILL!