Sep 29, 2008

Removal Of The ALBATROSS!!!

I have had an albatross on my back that I would estimate weighs approximately 50 lbs for the past two weeks. And as of 10 minutes ago, I removed it.

My Intro to Law Instructor is apparently under the (mistaken) impression that his is the only and by far, the most important class that anyone is taking. Well, let me tell you now, Mr. Lawyer Professor are dead wrong. I have three other lawyer, professor ma'ams that also expect me to spend at least some time on their classes as well. If I were already a lawyer or a paralegal working in a law firm, the billable hours I would have accumulated in the last two weeks would have me rich already. I mean, for cryin' out loud dude....this is an INTRO class. Let me clue you in.....we are not yet in the legal profession!!! (Although, I will give you this....after this assignment, I do feel ready to write a resume and go job searching, so in that respect, you have done your job....).

Due to one measly assignment, I have had little to no sleep, lots of stress, loss of eye sight due to the seven case laws all in legaleze and in 10 pt. font I have had to read, no time to relax, no free time to spend with my kids and I think, just think, I may have just cornered the market on Folger's Coffee and International Delights French Vanilla Coffee Creamer. My eye is twitching....and my can't see it, but they are.

But, with three minutes to spare, I submitted that ridiculous albatross and for maybe a period of 12 hours, I can put away the coffee, lose the twitchies and get some sleep. If I can remember how. And assuming my children will afford me that little pleasure.

Tell ya had better be worth it. I'm sure it is, but right now, the only interest I have is my pillow, my blankie and my bed. So......g'night.


Diane@Diane's Place said...

I hope all the lost sleep and time spent has been worth it, and you get an A+, Kristen. :o)

Love and hugs,


Dawn said...

WHEW!! What a relief! I really think you should get together with your fellow cyber students and protest! It's your legal right!

Susie said...

I'm sure it's a huge relief to have that done! I hear similar tales from my daughter in regards to one of her professors..
get some rest!

Amanda said...

Masbe you should look into writing novels in the side, you know with all the extra time you have. Your writing is wonderful!

Carole Burant said...

Oh wow, it's no wonder you're glad to have that assignment done and over with! I just don't know how you do it...I so look up to you!!!! Hope you're getting some much needed sleep, which reminds me, it's past my bedtime. lol G'nite. xoxo

Sherry said...

i'm quite impressed myself!

Needled Mom said...

Oh dear.....that sounds dreadful. I can only imagine the relief you must feel. Hope you can sleep soundly for a long, long time.

Mary said...


Thank you for the invite. I appreciate it.

I understand where you are coming from. I went to school (not law school) as a single parent and it was no fun. Sleep is usually last on the agenda. Thanks goodness for parents who will give a hand. My Dad watched my daughter many times while I worked, went to school and studied.

I'm glad you got the albatross handed in with time to spare and I am positive you will get an excellent mark.

Thanks again for the invite. I continue to pray for you and the girlies.


Nancy said...

You are so funny... I hope your professors calm down a bit and that all of the semesters aren't this difficult. It will be worth it in the long run but that's hard to see right now with all of the work ahead of you.

Hang in there, love you kids, and know that you are the greatest mom in the world to make this sacrifice.

You are in my prayers funny lady. That humor will help in the court room, one day!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

I hope you get some sleep! Your hard work WILL pay off in the end. And I'll be here to read that post when it happens!

jls said...

I'm sad that people who really need government assistance have to feel ashamed about it--and that the system is not working for you. Also, don't you dare buy into the belief that this is karma...don't even go there. You made a very good, very difficult, very brave decision. By the way...I just saw the pics your mom posted, you look fabulous! I'm praying that you will find just the right person to help Feisty-someone that will put her at ease and really be able to connect with her.

Love you.