Jul 17, 2006

Patience Is A Virtue...

As parents, we must all, obviously, possess a certain amount of patience or we would all be in the looney bin. Am I right, or am I right?! The more kids you have, the more patience one must possess. It's simple mathematics. I truly, truly admire those whose parent to child ratio is comparable to that of a 1st grade classroom. I applaud you, because you must have the patience of a saint. I also truly admire single parents. You are courageous!!

My patience as of late is waning. This could be the result of many things:
  • A husband who has a full time job and in addition, does yard work on the side, which in essence makes me end up feeling like a single parent a large majority of the time.
  • A husband who, when he is home, spends half his time sleeping (i.e. on weekend mornings) . Don't suggest talking to him about this because I've done so until I'm blue in the face and it never changes.
  • A Feisty who has turned into the epitome of a "terrible two" and is the poster child for the cliche that women can't ever make up their minds.
  • A Feisty and a Care Bear who constantly want to be held at.the.same.time not realizing what it does to mommy's body to hold 55 lbs at a time (would you believe I have 26" biceps?! I didn't think so!)
  • Three children who only want Mommy to do things for them and NO ONE ELSE.
  • 40 loads of laundry a day.
  • 40 loads of dishes every day.
  • 1,343,652 toys to pick up every day.
  • Two additional children at my house until dark every day (which, may I remind you, it is summer, which means it doesn't turn dark until almost 9:30.)
  • A BM (Anakin's Biological Mother) who continues to make my life miserable and my insides turn at least once a week.

In addition, of my own doing, I have added school to the equation, but pardon me if I felt the need to do something for myself for a change. (Which by the way, I got a B in my first class....whoa is me).

Do not get me wrong. What I said in my previous post still stands. I love my kids. I miss them dearly when I am away from them. I think I just need to take the advice of a loved one and sit in my room at least once an hour and recite the Serenity Prayer. And try to remember that they are children.

But wow. I can't wait til school starts again. Am I bad, or what?


Unknown said...

A BM who makes your life miserable and turns your insides out? I had no idea that poop was such an ordeal in your life.

Haha. Bad joke. Sorry.

I'm sorry all this crashes in at once. I know the feeling and it's not a fun one. That serenity prayer thing really works. I'll say it for you a few times. Right now.

Mall Worker said...

I'm so sorry that your having a rough time! I don't have a child of my own who is two yet, but I dread the day. My niece is practically two and is in that stage. I hope I can muster the strength and patience to deal with my guy at that stage!

Anonymous said...

Oh girl....this time of life will pass. I've been there..in the middle of watching other people's kids too.


And recite

brooke said...

Here is my wee bit of friendly advice. I've actually started implementing it with Charley. Tell the children NO. You are one woman. You cannot physically do everything. seriously. They will scream and they will cry, but (eventually) they will get it. My other hugely sucessful suggestion is to choose one night a week and leave the house. After dinner. Go to the movies, go to barnes and noble, go to target. Be ALONE. Hubs can take care of the kids by himself. Plus, it gives him alone time with the kids that they (and he) really needs. I am no parenting guru, but this is what works for me. lots of love....

Trisha said...

Are you writing about my life? I sometimes too feel like a single parent cause my husband's job is pretty demanding (picture 7am to 10pm++) and I am at my wits end with a terrible twoer. Iwant to sleep in on the weekends too, dear husband! It helps knowing I am not the only one in the boat. Hope it gets better!

kpjara said...

I agree with Brooke...find at least 1 evening a night (a couple of hours a week) for YOu...no schoolwork, no mommy-ing, no nothing but YOU!

Hire a babysitter if you have to or send the kids to Barbies...well...hire a sitter!

Kristen said...

Oh, wow. I guess I should have re-read my post before publishing for a couple of reasons....several typos, AND, it did sound like I was referring to a bowel movement. Any new-comers who read that post might have been scared away! Thanks for pointing that out, Karen....and it actually was a pretty good joke! ;-)

Gina said...

If I were you, I certainly WOULD be in the loony bin!

You are one patient lady... thanks for letting us know what your life is like. It's good to know that we are not alone even though we feel like it because the hubby ain't helpin' much.

someone else said...

Brooke's advice is good -- all of it.

Kid's don't automatically know what to do or where the boundaries are, whether they are the edge of the sidewalk or the edge of your emotions. They have to be taught. Firmness without backing down will not make them dislike you.

Ashley said...

poor thing! i hate that you're going through this but when you come out on the other side, you'll realize how much you grew through all of this. i know that's not at all helpful right now but i promise it'll happen!

Lei said...

Every day is different and new... today's struggle may become tomorrow's distant memory. You just do what you can! And you will be rewarded!