Jul 5, 2006

A Myriad of Thoughts

Bear with me today as it has been awhile again since I posted and I have quite a few things running through my brain that must be discussed, and what better forum than my blog? Right? I always feel out of sorts with my blog when my "schedule" gets off, and that usually results in a very random post.

Five Assignments and Two Tests Down; One Final To Go!

So, my first class in my new adventure...that of getting my degree...is almost over. I've survived five assignments, two of them that about gave me an ulcer, two tests, and now I have the final. But guess what's so great about the final?! I get to take it while I'm on vacation this weekend. Yup. My class is on-line, and the final is scheduled to take either the 7th or 8th. The nice thing is, since it is an online class, I don't have to miss out on my family reunion in order to take my final. But I'll probably be sitting at a computer doing it while other family members are off swimming in a lake, pontooning on a boot, or water-skiing and other such fun things. Am I lucky, or am I lucky?! Woo-hoo! At least I'll have a good 13 hours on the way there to study for it.....that is unless I'm referee-ing my three kids from killing each-other, or throwing up out the back window due to car-sickness from sitting in the back seat. Good times ahead....I can feel it.

The Afore-mentioned vacation/reunion:

I'm extremely excited about the up-coming reunion as I get to see family members that I haven't seen in several years and I actually get to go on a real bonafide vacation. I can't remember the last time I left this state. For real. You may recognize the names of some of the people I will be seeing; such bloggers as: Karen, Queen Beth, Morning Glory, Amanda and of course, my mom!. Yep. We'll be having our own little bloggers get-together! Unfortunately, a couple of family members/bloggers won't be able to be there, and we'll miss them greatly: Sherry and Brooke.

While I'm extremely excited TO GET THERE, I'm not so much anticipating the actual act of getting there. My children do.not.travel.well. At all! Feisty can barely drive an hour before she starts whining "Go home now." Care Bear takes after her mama with her phrase (in full on whine), "Are we there yet?!?!". And Anakin....well, he has ADHD. Nuff said there. And most of the trip I will be sharing the back seat with Anakin. I'm fully prepared to have suffered a nervous break-down by the end of the thirteen hours. And speaking of nervous breakdowns......

Monday: The Worst Day of My Life

Ok, maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but very slight. Let me start off by saying that if Feisty had the option, she would take a super sized tube of super glue and physically stick herself to me for life. Then she might be happy. Needless to say, it can start to wear on mama's sense of well-being when I can't merely walk three feet across the room without Feisty hurtling herself in utter panic after me and clutching my legs. It wears on mama's sense of well-being when I can't do a simple thing like pick up a toy, wash a dish, or even change my clothes without a two year old acting like her life is over if I'm not holding her. It wears on mama's sense of well-being when temper tantrums are the theme of the day and nothing I can do is right, and Feisty herself doesn't even know what she wants. It wears on mama's sense of well-being when her three year old feels neglected because her little sister is literally sapping every ounce of energy and strength out of mama.

And it really wears on mama's sense of well-being when I can't even get five minutes alone to do anything such as study for a certain exam coming up, take a shower, or even relax.

My Monday was bad. Just really, really bad. I was in tears by the end of the day and in utter panic thinking of the 4th of July, and the long day at the park we had planned; and in total despair at the thought of a 13 hour road trip with this type of behavior. My stomach was literally in knots, and the word "ulcer" came to mind more than once.

And then comes.....

The 4th of July!!

As though my children had sensed my mood from the day before (which they probably had), they did a complete 180 the following day (yesterday) and we had a most pleasant holiday spent in the park with the in-laws. Of course, it helped immensely that we were spending copious amounts of hours in the place they spend most of their time begging to go. They were in seventh heaven. Unfortunately, all of the pre-firework activities had Care Bear so worn out that she fell asleep before they even began. No amount of explosives woke that child up. Feisty danced, sang and clapped through the pre-fireworks band concert, and focused intently on about three quarters of the fireworks show until she could no longer keep her little eyes open and she fell asleep in Grandpa's arms. I walked them home in their double stroller and they remained asleep through crowds, people shooting off very illegal fireworks, a smart-alec girl shouting stuff at passers-by through a bullhorn, and the taking off of jackets and glasses when being put into bed. They were tuckered out!

And last thought today.....

My Fun Night Tonight!

We are leaving tomorrow morning at the super fun hour of 4 a.m. for our trip. This is in hopes of accomplishing two goals:

1.) We will get to our destination at a decent enough hour to have a little enjoyment with our relatives before we have to go to bed.

2.) Since we're leaving so early, we're hoping the kids will sleep a few good hours there-by avoiding a few hours of sibling squabling in tight quarters.

But I have NOT PACKED YET!! I hate packing. Hate.it! I always forget something. It never fails. Plus, there's not a whole lot I can pack until the last minute, so I have a feeling I'll be spending a good portion of my evening running around like a chicken with my head cut off desperately trying to remember everything. YIKES. I need Monica Gellar from "Friends" to come over and help me.....it was her favorite thing to do. Yes, people, I know she's a fictional character....I haven't really had a nervous break-down. Yet.

This may be my last post for a week or so because as I've mentioned at least 345 times in this post, I'll be on vacation for the next week, so if I don't talk to you before then, HAVE A GREAT WEEK! Don't miss me too much! :-)


someone else said...

Uh oh, this post posted twice. Another piece of the myriad of thoughts; somehow fitting. See you soon!

Dawn said...

Interesting - she had a terrible time getting it to post, and it only shows once here. Hmmm.

Kristen said...

No, it posted twice, I just deleted one of them.

kpjara said...

I'm praying you have (had) a wonderful time with family and friends and get some rest!


Unknown said...

Have a fun vacation! Good luck on your final. I hope it doesn't occupy all of your time and fun :-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the final!! You will do great! Use the time and the extra eyes to release the grip of your children on your appendages. I feel you on the relax time!!

Diane Viere said...

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Vacations are wonderful.....so glad you didn't have to miss it for an exam!

You are doing such a great job at balancing all you have to balance....I hope your vacation is restful, peaceful, and relaxing! Take that exam...and put it out of your mind! Breathe! Enjoy!


Gabriela said...

Have a fun trip! Glad you get to take a vacation. (I meanwhile, will be enjoying Colorado!) :)

Tammy said...

Hi...I was blog-hopping tonight and came across your site. Sounds like you are having a busy life these days! Good luck with the classes and your vacation!