Dec 28, 2007


THis is Kristen's mom writing to you, her friends. Lots has been happening in Kristen's situation. Please come over to my site to catch up. After you catch up, Please Pray!!

Thank you so much.


Nancy said...

Praying for you Kristen. Hang in there and keep the twins comfortable for as long as possible.

Karen H. said...

Good Evening Kristen,
I am here by way of your Mom's blog. I have been visiting your Mom a while now and I really do like visiting her. I have so enjoyed her sharing the Hawaii Trip with us. It felt like I was almost there with her. I have never been to Hawaii, so all the pictures she shared was so beautiful. I have been praying for you Kristen and will continue to pray for you and your Babies. GOD will see you thru this. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD. I have added you to my blogroll that way I can keep up with you. Of course, your sweet Mother always let's us know about you anyway. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.