Feb 23, 2006

Addicted to Blogging

10 ways you know you're addicted to blogging....
In no particular order:

  1. You continually think about your next blog topic
  2. You hike down the street to your Mom's house, two little girls in tow, to use her computer because you don't have your own. "Huh?? What say you? You no have computer??" "No. Me no have computer. Me live in stone ages."
  3. You spend your days at work blogging & browsing other blogs instead of working.
  4. You spend your evenings wishing you had a computer so you could blog and browse blogs.
  5. You neglect your other favorite and trusty old websites in favor of blogs.
  6. When you're not blogging, you see spots in front of your eyes from staring blank-faced at a computer for hours at a time.
  7. You find yourself talking in "blog speak" at home and your family members stare at you like you're from outer space.
  8. You're at risk of developing a bladder infection because you neglect the bathroom.
  9. Your co-workers have to continually repeat things to you because when you're blogging, you become deaf to the outside world.
  10. You realize how boring the computer really was until you discovered the fun world of blogging.

Ok, so it's not all as bad as that, except that I have realized a new addiction to add to my list--see previous post. Curse you person who created blogs--you can pay for my treatment of my new addiction!!


Unknown said...

Hello. My name is Karen. I am a blog addict.

Rachelle said...

That is so me. #1 and 3 are especially true. I'm going to get fired for blogging.

brooke said...

i have been a blog addict for 1.5 years. Somewhere during the first year, you learn to monitor your usage, so that you are not neglecting your children. it's the first thing i do in the morning, the last thing i do at night. plus, several choice moments throughout the day. ENJOY!

Kristen said...

Luckily, for the kids' sake, I don't have a computer at home so they don't get neglected so much. It's the WORK that's suffering. Maybe I should get a computer so I don't lose my job!!

Gina said...

AMEN to this, lady! I am going to get fired too!