Oct 18, 2006

Songs In Feisty's Heart

**I created a new blog specifically for memes. I was tagged for two memes and decided to make a blog for just memes. So, I put one of those memes up this morning and will work on the other one this afternoon. Go check it out: Mama's Memes .**

Both of my girls really love to sing. They come by that honestly what with the fact that they come from two very musical families. Care Bear loves to make up songs. She'll use singing as a way of talking when she's playing. However, get her on stage or ask her to perform and she freezes up. Stands there on stage with a "duh" look on her face, not a word coming out of her mouth. I'm hoping one of these days she'll grow out of that. If you notice her singing and praise her on it, she'll clam up and quit singing. So when she sings, I smile inwardly to myself wishing that I could comment on it, but not doing so because I want her to continue with her singing.

Feisty has recently become a singer as well. She sings with her whole heart and soul. Depending on her mood, she will either demand, "Don't sing with me, Mommy!", or request, "Sing it, too, Mommy." Her favorite music of all is her "Jesus music" whether it be her various "Jesus tapes" she listens to in the car, or her "Jesus videos" she watches and sings to at home. While driving in the car yesterday, we were listening to a Jesus tape. The girls were pretending that their Jessie and Woody dolls (from Toy Story) were in a praise band and singing along with the songs. When the song "Father, I adore You" came on (which happens to be Feisty's particular favorite), I noticed it became quite a bit more solemn in the car. I looked back at Feisty singing every word with her eyes lifted to the sky as though she was singing the song straight to Jesus.

Later that day in the evening, after Feisty had had her bath, I brought her downstairs with me to sit by the fire and put her pajamas on. By that time Care Bear was in the bath, Anakin was off somewhere playing and Daddy wasn't home yet. So we were cuddling by the fire when she asked me to sing to her. I began to sing "You Are My Sunshine" to her. When I was done, she informed me that she was going to sing it to me. With great gusto and at the top of her lungs, she sang to me:

"You Are My Sunshine!
You Are My Sunshine!
You Make Me Happy
When Skies are Great!
You Make Me Happy
When Skies Are Great!
You Make Me Happy
When Skies Are Great!
You Are My Sunshine!"

And then she looked at me and clapped. It was the most beautiful version of the song I have ever heard.

We then went on to sing "Jesus Loves me" to which she knew every word.

It was a day of music for Feisty. I hope music always stays in her heart.


Anonymous said...

So cute! Cam is trying to sing, but can barely talk, so he just hums. I can't wait to hear sweet music from him.

Dawn said...

Oh, my sweet Feisty!! May the joy of Jesus ever be in her heart. And may she enjoy singing in front of the church people!

Cheryl said...

I used to sing "Your are my Sunshine" to our now 16 year old except I would sing...you are my sunshine...you are my sunshine...you make me happy...all through the day...you'll always know Tiff...how much I love you...you are my sunshine all through the day.

It was many many years later she learned I had substituted the words to fit her.

It is such a warm...wonderful feeling to listen to your children sing!

Ms. Kathleen said...

That is so sweet! I miss my kids being so little but look forward to my granddaughter Alexys. She is three months and LOVES to be sang too.

Blessings to you!

Pamela said...

Oh, that is so wonderful! Your two girls are so cute! The pics you Mom has posted are just adorable! :)

Singing and praising the Lord with music is delightful! Your love for your girls just shines through!

Unknown said...

Sweet. I love it when my girls burst into song as their playing. It's my very own musical within my own home :-)

someone else said...

Awww, that's just the sweetest thing I've read today!

Lala's world said...

that was such a feel good post!! I love it when my girls sing too and when they have those intimate moments with Jesus! how special to see it!!

Linda said...

Music is a wonderful thing!! I can just picture you by the fire. I remember when my little girl (now 27 years old) used to sing like that. She had a little toy piano and would sing and accompany herself in her bedroom. She was too shy to sing in public too, but I sure liked hearing her sing. What a blessing.
I've added you to my bloglines so I can keep up with you easier:-)

Mall Worker said...

That is just so sweet!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!! You have to get some video of her singing.

Anonymous said...

What a great story. It warmed my heart just reading about it. Thanks for sharing it.

kpjara said...

That song is beautiful and I don't doubt that she was singing, "Father I adore You" directly to Him WHILE she gazed into His eyes!

That is the stuff good families are made of.

Diane Viere said...

Music is the best way to lay the foundation of the LORD in your children's heart! It will have a lasting impact!

Thanks for sharing the joy!


Alex said...

way , way too cute!