Nov 8, 2007

Perils of (this particular) Pregnancy

I believe that there is an unwritten rule out there that very few people are aware of that has become very apparent to me through this latest pregnancy. That rule is that eventually, if you get pregnant enough times and you have been lucky enough in the past to have fairly uneventful, easy pregnancies (and deliveries) that subsequent pregnancies will not follow that same protocol. I am living proof of this rule. So beware....I am warning you now.....if you have had simple, un-problematic, easy pregnancies thus far....and you get pregnant again, it probably won't go that way for you again! Your luck will run out. Sorry to be the bearer of that bad news. But let's examine the proof in my case. With Care Bear and Feisty, my pregnancies, for the most part were easy and simple as were the labors and deliveries. Both girls were born with no complications within six hours of me arriving at the hospital. Following are experiences that I have had with this pregnancy that I did not experience with the other two: (and I have to say that if this were my first pregnancy, it would be my last!)

**Horrific morning all day sickness--While this for the most part has subsided, I still have to be extremely careful about what goes in my mouth and how much goes in my mouth. Otherwise, I will regret it very shortly thereafter.

**A mild scare early on in the pregnancy--heh, heh...mild. Did you catch that sarcasm there? If not, take a cold glass of water and splash it in your face and wake up.

**TWINS. Enough said.

**Leg Pain and Cramps--The leg pain in my upper legs that makes me feel like someone is using me as a wish bone is one thing. I'm actually starting to get used to walking like an invalid. But I haven't quite gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night with my legs straight up in the air and charley horses that make it feel like someone is taking a sledge hammer to my calves. Let me tell ya---those are fun times!!

**Breech babies--Breech babie(s)! Not one breech baby---two breech babies. Both using my uterus and my cervix as a punching bag. And so, since they are both breech, if they don't turn around and do it soon, I will be experiencing......

**A C-Section!--Never had one---don't want one. I am a complete and total weenie when it comes to needles, knives, or anything of the sort coming anywhere near any part of my body. I about passed out during my amniocentesis. Yeah, I know, I know. I'll be numbed, I won't feel a thing if I have to have a c-section. You're missing the point. The point is that I will know and be fully aware of the fact that on the other side of that little curtain separating the upper and lower parts of my body that a knife is cutting into me and two human beings are being pulled out. Whoa. Pardon me for a moment I think all the blood in my body rushed to my head and I need to lay down for a second. UGH.

**Ridiculous and sometimes scary dreams--I've always read and heard about dreams people have during pregnancy, but I never have had this experience....until this pregnancy and only very recently. I could write down the dream I had last night and sell it to Wes Craven. He'd have his next great horror movie.

**A lovely complexion--(insert more sarcasm). The current condition of my skin gives new meaning to the words "pizza face". I'm 32. I'm too old for acne, for crying out loud. I didn't have one single zit in high school. What is this?!?!

There is one thing that I have been lucky enough to avoid in all three pregnancies and that is stretch marks. How I have avoided these is beyond me; I must have elastic in my skin. So I'm thankful for that small little consolation.

And now I sit here at 9:02 in the morning after a horrible night of sleep; stomach issues, fun horror like dreams, this post as I feel the two little squirts kicking away in my stomach. And I know that once I hold those two little healthy bundles in my arms that this will all be a distant memory. And it will have all been worth it.

The "Baby Name Game" will continue throughout the remainder of my pregnancy (or until I decide on names, whichever comes first). Click on the button in the sidebar to add any names you think of. This is much harder than I thought!


Andrea said...

Wow -- what a list!! Other than the TWINS part, I can certainly identify with most of the other things with both of my pregnancies (oh yeah, but not the c-section either...I'm totally with you on that one -- I hope your babies change their positions in time!). Glad you have the outlook though that it will all BE WORTH IT in the end.

Question: Your profile says you have three children -- but you only talk about Care Bear and I missing something??

Dawn said...

My poor baby! Makes me glad I stopped with you and Kev! I wish there was something I could do to help.

lifeinsuburbia said...

TWINS!!! I am still flabbergasted by this. I mean, what are the chances???!!!! Email with name news

Ms. Kathleen said...

lol - I know, it's not funny but my #4 guy, who is now a 6' 16 year old and still growing - was 11 lbs, 24" long, breech, 6 (that is six) weeks overdu, emergency c-section... 4 days in labor, the size of two babies, easily ....and precious! Enough said.

Linda said...

I'm so sorry Kristen. Perhaps this all means that those babies will be perfectly behaved the minute they're born.

Just little ole me said...

For leg cramps, try Rolaids/Tums with calcium or a banana. The lack of calcium my doc said is what causes those cramps. It worked for me :) As for c-sections, I had an emergency one with girlchild and had the choice to have one again with Lil Bit. I loved em! Had boychild natural and felt like I had been drug through a knothole. Maybe it's just me :)

Cheryl said...

I remember the leg cramps, the stretch marks and the breach baby (just one though) who turned several nights before she was born. My stomach looked like a big wave was moving from one side to the other.

I am thankful for your two healthy babies. Get some rest...if you can!

Baba said...

Hi Kristen,Just think you are over half way there...My daughter has had two c-sections because the first was Breech position.She will have her third c-section in February and the present baby is in breech position.Sometimes the babies will turn, but if not surgery is necessary.She did good from her c-sections and knows in advance the delivery date and can plan around it, unless she goes into labor early..I always go and stay a month with her and the family..I have to drive my two granddaughters around and take care of mom..Good luck with your babies.

Unknown said...

Its wonderful experience for those who are pregnant. In my opinion some women would never undergo this concerns or complications during pregnancy because, I have noticed that even after delivering twins they are normal. But some women look quite abnormal during their pregnancy. For, this they should have a good diet before and after pregnancy.