Nov 5, 2007

Good Weekend/Bad Weekend

The weekend started with me leaving work early to head down to Denver for yet another appointment at the perinatal specialist. They want to continue to monitor the growth of the babies. Same news....different day. Babies are fine. Baby A is smaller than Baby B. They want to continue to monitor this. Baby A (small baby---Little Squirt) is the one they didn't think would be alive to make it to my next appointment when all of this started way back in August. Little Squirt is still really little. But she is the one who they have a hard time getting to sit still for any kind of measurements or decent pictures. She's a rambunctious little monkey.

We were able to get a picture of her this time---unfortunately, I left them at home. So I'll try to remember to bring them tomorrow to scan and post. My memory isn't so good these days---apparently a side effect of pregnancy. (As is clumsiness.....).

Anyhoo---after the appointment, Mike and I headed back north and decided that we wanted to take the kids for a treat that evening to see "Bee Movie". So we stopped by the theater to by tickets ahead of time for the 6:00 showing. We didn't get back home to pick up the kids from my mom's until about 5:45 and the theater is clear across town; so we raced home, literally grabbed the kids and threw them in the car and headed off to the movie. They were thrilled. We hadn't been to a movie since Shrek the Third and so they were really excited. It was a cute movie; I still prefer the Shrek movies and Over The Hedge, but it was still real cute. All the kids were pretty tired by the time we got home and practically went to bed right away. Care Bear fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Saturday morning: The girls and I had a play date with Sherry and her two little adorable ones at one of the kids' favorite parks. It was a good time. The weather was real nice and Care Bear in particular had a great time following around and gushing over Silas (1 year old). I love to watch her with babies (particularly one little girl at our church who she absolutely adores). I can tell she's going to be a very good, attentive, loving big sister to our babies when they are born. So will Feisty---when she has the time or inclination to slow down and pay attention to them.

Saturday afternoon: Care Bear had a good time collecting worms and trying to convince me to let her keep them as pets with Blondie 1 and Blondie 2. Feisty hung out in the house with me. Despite all good intentions to ONCE AGAIN organize and sort through the massive amounts of clothes I need to go through, I simply did not have the energy. I felt kind of blah and a little bit achy all afternoon. At around 5 or so that evening, the girls and I got in the car to run an errand and Care Bear started to complain of a sore throat. By later that night, she was fully miserable. This child hasn't been sick in so long I don't think she knew quite how to handle it. I gave her some chewable Children's Tylenol and put her to bed. Sunday morning she still wasn't feeling well. And by that time, neither was I, or Mike. Feisty, on the other hand....the one who is usually sick was perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, since Mike and I are in the praise band at church, it's a little hard at last minute to cancel on the band and not show up; especially considering Mike is the drummer. They could probably do fine without me---what's one more voice? But the drummer would be a little bit more noticeable. So we all trudged to church and spent the afternoon laying around the house. Poor Feisty, by the end of the evening had such horrible cabin fever that she had gotten rather goofy and hyper and basically could not sit still any longer. She performed for us, she spoon fed us our dinner, she "took care" of us. It was very cute and very sweet.

Today, I am at work...feeling better for the most part. Care Bear seemed to be in much better spirits this morning and says her throat doesn't hurt anymore. Mike says his back still hurts some, but I think he is surviving.

So, spent the weekend feeling like crud and we're feeling better just in time for the work/school week to begin. Good times. It's just now November--barely November--and I'm sick of illness. I think I'm in for a loooooong winter.

The "Baby Name Game" will continue throughout the remainder of my pregnancy (or until I decide on names, whichever comes first). Click on the button in the sidebar to add any names you think of. This is much harder than I thought!


Diane@Diane's Place said...

Glad y'all are feeling better for the most part. Of course you would get sick on the weekend and then start feeling better just in time to go back to school/work!

I've been fighting a cold for several weeks now. Not really sick, just don't feel my best and got a runny nose and cough that comes and goes. I wish it would just go and be done with it!

Considering the hope the "experts" gave you when you first went to them, the babies are doing great! I'm glad you're over the worst of the morning sickness and are beginning to feel better, your cold notwithstanding.



Andrea said...

There are so many wonderful and beautifu things about winter -- but getting SICK is definitely not what of them! Hope you get a break from any illness in your family for awhile...

Glad your babies are doing good.