Aug 11, 2006

Decision Made

Thank you all so much for your thoughts, opinions, and pieces of advice regarding my decision as to whether or not I should continue to take class this fall. After much thinking, and after discussing it with the hubster (yes, I came to my bloggy friends before my that bad or what?!), and after speaking with some "real life" friends at home, I decided that I'm going to go ahead and "drop" (I hate that sounds like such a failure) my course that I had enrolled for this fall. I may or may not re-enroll in the spring depending on what time the class is offered and if it works any better with my schedule right now. But for now, I'm not going to stress about it. Actually, this decision takes at least one load off of my shoulders: I don't have to worry about finding someone to watch them on Thursdays, I don't have to pay for babysitting, I don't have to miss out on my kids' life and I don't have to spend my evenings (the only time I would ever be with them) studying. Oh, and tuition.....who could forget tuition.

I feel at peace with the decision and the fact that no one is looking at me like, "You're dropping out again?!" Not that I should be concerned what other people think about me and what I decide to do with my life, but, you know.....

I was able to take a class this summer that showed me that yes, this is what I want to do, that I can still study after being out of school for at least a decade and that I can still manage to get decent grades. I enjoyed the class, and I'm sure when I do get around to going back again, I'll enjoy the rest of them, too. But for now, I just need to be with my kids and focusing on them.

Last night, I told Care Bear the news that I would be staying home with her this semester instead of going to school thinking that she would be thrilled. Instead, she got a concerned look on her face and said, "But Mommy! You have to go to school! I don't want you to get in trouble!" I had to make sure my heart was still in tact because I could have sworn that it melted right out of my chest.


kpjara said...

What a sweetie that Care Bear!

Anonymous said...

You didn't "drop" out. Because that would imply giving up. You haven't given up. You are just continuing on the path that is the most important to you right now.

It was a hard decision, but the very fact that you feel at peace with it means it was the right decision!!

Unknown said...

Yeah! Glad you made the decision you feel is right for you and the fam. School will always be there, you're not dropping out. Just taking a little postponement.

Diane Viere said...


Too funny! What a sweetie Care Bear is!

You are NOT dropping out--you are, simply, rescheduling your comittments! There's a life-lesson in that! I'm impressed with how quickly you came to your decision--God must have been in it! Well--your hubby was an important piece...but between God and your blogging buddies......nice job!


someone else said...

I was going to say what Karen said. A postponement has an open-ended sound to it. Drop sounds final. You'll get there, Kristen!

Dawn said...

Ditto to all of the above. And you work in the best place to get back in any time!

Mall Worker said...

I'm so happy that you made a decision thats right for you! Care Bear is such a sweetie to worry about you getting into trouble!

School will still be there when you're ready!

Gina said...

That is so cute! I am glad you are content with your choice.

Gabriela said...

Sorry I missed the great debate, but sounds like you made a decision that you are comfortable with. I'm sure your girls will love the extra time with you, and they will only be little for so long. I agree with Nikkie, school will always be there.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you feel at peace with your decision. Enjoy this semester with your kids, and maybe the class schedule will work out better for you next semester.
Care Bear is so cute to be concerned about you getting into trouble. My Zoe probably would have said the same thing. She doesn't like to see anyone getting into trouble.

Ashley said...

those "twin" pictures are amazing!! it is so cool how much they look alike. you are totally not a drop out!! i don't see how you did it last semester!! you'll get it done eventually! you have the rest of your life to finish it but your kids will only be young once.