Aug 2, 2006

Works For Me Wednesday!


A week or so ago, I desperately needed to mop my kitchen and bathroom floors. I went to get my mop and my bucket and lo and behold....the mop was broken. "What ever shall I do?!", I thought to myself. What a conundrum. I was in no mood to go to the store and buy a new one, but my floors really needed some attention.

After waking up my grumpy husband to see if he could help me fix the mop, and after Feisty gave her little sweet, albeit useless attempt, I realized the mop was shot.

Minutes passed and I came to the realization that I could mop my floors the old fashioned way. I mean, there was a time in life where there was no such thing as a mop, and floors managed to get clean. So I grabbed my bucket, filled it with Pine-Sol, grabbed an old towel, and got on my hands and knees and mopped those floors clean. And I have to say, despite the fact that my linoleum is hideously ugly and in desperate need of being ripped out and replaced, it has never looked cleaner.

So, I may just decide to save my money on one of those new uber-fancy Swiffer mops, and use the hands and knees and old towel to get my floors clean. It Works For Me!
Head on over to Shannon's for more Wednesday fun. (Also, go right below this post where I also posted my "Wordless Wednesday!)


The Roaming Southerner said...

Isn't it amazing how good elbow grease is? My elbow grease dispenser is always on the fritz though!

Mall Worker said...

I do the same thing, not because of a broken mop, but because I don't have one! It really does work!

Unknown said...

I do this in the kids bathroom. It's the only way to get all the tight places and keep the bathroom from smelling like a gas station. Little boys have poor aim, you know.

Sherry said...

oh the joy of mopping

Dawn said...

I did it that way (though Kristen doesn't seem to remember that) until my knees didn't let me any more. Fortunately, DC took over the floors about that time. Unfortunately, he does it with a mop that doesn't get everything, but you don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, do you??

Anonymous said...

i do this too as does my mom. she has told me to buy a pair of knee pads. that has saved her knees, which were hurting from cleaning her floors. I haven't bought any yet but she loves hers.

Mama Duck said...

Ha. I do one better and have DH do it ;).

Gina said...

That method works for me too! Smart mama!

Trisha said...

If you have time, please stop by and read my post Let's Play Telephone and participate if you like. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I like the old fashioned way of cleaning floors. It looks cleaner I think.

the lizness said...

I sometimes do my bathroom by hand too because it is just too small to wrangle around a mop that gets stuck in the towel holder, for instance.