Nov 15, 2006

Focus On The Positive

I wrote a post earlier today that was extremely depressing. I even posted it and left it up for awhile, but then after reading it I was concerned that someone might call the suicide hotline or something so I decided to take it down. No worries; I'm not that depressed, but I couldn't stand to leave it up. Those of you who subscribe to me through bloglines may still be subjected to it and already have read it. If so, just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. In the meantime, I decided to focus on the positive things that are going on instead of all the negative. Try to be a "glass full" kinda gal. So, in the interest of maintaining my sanity, the positives in my so called life:
  • I had Anakin's conference last week. The good news is that he has a fantastic teacher this year that he absolutely loves, which is always a plus. She is a kind, caring woman who has Anakin's best interests at heart and is committed to helping us with Anakin's ADHD sans drugs. We came up with some plans and ideas to assist him and we're implementing some of them right now. So far, so good.
  • I had Care Bear's conference with her pre-school teacher last week as well. Her teacher absolutely loves Care Bear and has no concerns where she is concerned either academically or socially. Care Bear is ready for kindergarten....and then some. She can spell her name, write her name, recognize her name. She knows the alphabet; she can count to 30 and beyond. She knows the days of the week and the months of the year. She is learning about sounding out letters and now walks around counting numbers on the calendar and sounding out letters all the time. Her vocabulary amazes me every day. The other day she informed me that I am "tremendous", and last night when she was frustrated by her glasses (more on the glasses situation later), she was moaning that "this is so traumatic!"
  • Feisty is feisty; but she is an extremely kind-hearted and empathetic little feisty. She is my little peace maker and is very concerned whenever anyone is upset, sad or angry. She adores her sister more than words can say. Last night when I was down in the dumps, and visibly so, Feisty came up to me and hugged my arm and lay her head on my lap. She told me, "It's OK, Mommy."
  • On the glasses front; Care Bear and Feisty both now have appointments for their eyes on December 4. At that time I will find out if Feisty has to wear glasses and be able to order new ones for Care Bear. In the meantime, the eye center has said that they can fix Care Bear's stem temporarily until we order her new ones after her appointment.
  • Hubby and I were able to get out last Friday night together. Anakin stayed with his aunt and uncle and the girls stayed with my mom. While the "evening out" certainly did not take away the anxiety I seem to be experiencing lately, at least for awhile I was able to try and forget about it.
  • The holidays are coming up. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years....all of them. I'm hoping that the holidays serve as a distraction from whatever my problem is this year, rather than my problems dampening the holidays. I always start to decorate my house the day after Thanksgiving, so in just a little over a week, my house will be decked out, the Christmas CDs will be out and a fire in the fireplace will be a mainstay in my house....oh yeah!
  • Last year, the day we decorated our Christmas tree, my husband went out and purchased "The Polar Express". As sort of a last minute idea, we invited my parents to come over and watch it with us and have hot chocolate and a fire in the fireplace. It was such a wild success with the kids that whenever they get the urge to watch "The Polar Express", they have to watch it accompanied with hot chocolate....whether it's the middle of the summer, or if there is snow on the ground. We decided to make it a tradition and our 2nd annual "Polar Express" viewing will be the day after Thanksgiving after we decorate our tree. This year I'm going to make more treats and also invite my husband's side of the family. It'll be a good time. I love that we started a new tradition for our kids.
  • My garbage disposal is working again (knock on wood), and I got the clean clothes put away. As long as I close Anakin's bedroom door, my house looks somewhat clean.
  • My kids love me. Ornery or not; disobedient or not; rowdy or not; they love me. And they know I love them. That's enough to give me a smile.

So, there it is. My list of positives. And now for a.....

Care Bear Prayer

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for this day; it was the best day ever. I loved all the things we did today. And please help Micah to get better because I don't want him to be sick. And please help me not to have bad dreams. And thank you for this day. I love you. Amen.


someone else said...

Kristen, you're just such a dear! Hang on to that attitude. You have a great list of positives there.

I hope the anxiety goes away. We've been dealing with that here with your uncle the past week or so. Must be something in the air.

Anonymous said...

you are in no way alone, cuzin. in no way alone. i took the day off work today unwillingly, cos the things accumulating got a bit too big, and to think of other things was too much. i've not hookied in my life ... since the time mum caught me at the bus stop going the opposite way from school when i was 14.... =) everything you said in your post that's deleted, ..... you're not alone. this is the main thing i have to say today.

Anonymous said...

i still just love that she prays about her dreams! i feel like we relate :)

funk--funks stink! i am in one called pms (but you know that b/c you read my last post). i went through a long time where i had super super bad anxiety. i had attacks for no reason all the time and couldn't sleep at night. i ended up having to go on zoloft for about 8 months and it REALLY helped. i am NOT a medicator. i think medicine is overly prescribed and overly used but i definitely believe that there are times it is necessary and it had come to that point with me. i felt a lot of guilt about it but things are so so so much better now. i won't say i never get anxious b/c i'd be lying but i don't stay up all night long being worried about everything.
hang in there!! you'll snap out of it :)

Lei said...

you have so much to be grateful for! hugs.

Linda said...

Kristen - I didn't get to read your earlier post - when I clicked on it, it was already gone. But I saw the title and was concerned. I wanted to tell you that I woke up with you on my mind this morning. So I said a little prayer for you. Whenever this happens to me I know it is the Lord telling me to pray for someone He loves and knows needs lifting up. Be encouraged Kristen. I think you're doing the right think. Just begin to count your blessings. That sweet little prayer has to be right on the top of the list. I'll keep praying.

Anonymous said...

Hugs!! I am so glad to see this list of positives, what a great way to help chase away the blues. Remember when things are looking down, keep looking up!

kpjara said...

Love the list...and I always love and treasure and REread the prayers. I love how kids talk to God.

Dawn said...

I think I'm glad I didn't see the first post. But everyone's right - you have lots to be thankful for.

I love how Care Bear thinks of Micah all the time. I didn't include him in the lunch prayer yesterday and she hollered out his name to remind me. So precious!

As for her vocabulary, yesterday when we took her in to get her glasses "repaired" (read duct tape and shrink tape), she was trying on the sample frames (Barbie, Disney, read $189 per pair of frames!), she said, "These are so stylish!" What a character.

Feisty is a little fixer. When Care Bear was so frustrated that she actually threw her glasses off her face, as she used to when she was 20 months old and first got them, Feisty got off her stool where she was eating breakfast and said, "I have to go get those." What a sweetie!

Anakin was wishing he could wear glasses - he tried some on and looked pretty cool. I told him to be glad he didn't have to wear glasses - just one more think or lose or break. He said, "Grandma, you're mocking me!" I guess I really hurt his feelings - but it's so true!

Oops - I didn't mean to write a blog post on this comment!

Dawn said...

Oops - guess I should proof my comments - that should be "thing", not "think." You probably figured that out.

Diane Viere said...


WAY TO GO GIRL! Focus on the great things in your life...we must never define ourselves by our worst moments! I like that in a person!

I hope you are feeling better after expending the energy necessary to redirect, rethink--way to rewrite that funk!

We are all still praying for you....we have great confidence in you...and in the One who holds you tight when you feel like you are falling apart. I see his handiwork even in this post. WAY TO GO!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Sometimes trying to think positive helps... I hope this post helped you feel better.

The polar express deal sounds like a fun tradition for your kids. I hope you all enjoy it! It sounds like a cozy time. Cozy is the best feeling.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure exactly what to say, but I have been thinking of you and hope the funk passes soon.