Nov 10, 2006

The Funk Continues

I'm not sure what is going on with me these past few days. Usually I'm a pretty content person. I'll have the occasional day now and then where I feel down in the dumps, but it typically doesn't last more than a day. I've felt this way all week and I can't pinpoint one certain thing that is making me feel so low. I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin, but I have no way to get out of my skin. The smoking cessation isn't going as smoothly as I had hoped. I set a plan in motion for myself to make next Tuesday my "put on the patch" day, but I don't know.

I feel like I want a "getaway" but in picturing my getaway, I still feel "crawly". I feel like my whole body has "Restless Leg Syndrome".

I'm not out of my anti-anxiety medication, which is often a question I get when I'm not feeling "quite right". It's not "that time of the month". I wish there was a plausible excuse for the way I'm feeling because then at least I would know that there's a time I can pinpoint when I may feel better.

I'm almost starting to wonder if there is something physically wrong with me that is making me feel like this, but how am I supposed to explain something like that to a doctor? "Um yeah, doc, I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin. Nothing feels right or normal. Yes, I am taking my anti-anxiety medication. No, I'm not on drugs. But is there one you can give me that will fix this?"

I'm not used to this feeling and I'm not enjoying it. Not.One.Bit. Even then "getaway" of my paying job isn't relieving this feeling, which indicates to me that it's not just the stresses of home-life that are getting to me.

This is not a fun place to be right now, so I don't blame any of you if you remove me from your bloglines so you don't have to keep listening to me whine.

**In some fun news: My best friend throughout childhood gave birth to her third baby; a boy; on Wednesday. 8 lbs 12 oz and 21.5 inches. Can you say huge?

**Anxiously awaiting the news of Baby Trade Off any day now.

**The other day, Care Bear told me I'm "tremendous". At least my kids don't seem to be sensing the way I feel. I feel like the crapola-ness is oozing out of my pours, so good to know that she still thinks the world of me.


brooke said...

I'm with you girl. Just not feeling 'right'. I can't seem to get anything accomplished. (for example. i've been up since 730, and haven't done a thing, it's 1015). What's the deal???!!!

someone else said...

I've been feeling a little unsettled inside too, and haven't been able to pinpoint what it is. Maybe it's that we're all feeling the change of seasons, the shorter days, the cold, whatever. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Sherry said...

I also ( I think it's a trend) have been feeling a bit bummed. I can pinpoint it though, moving, being here really isn't bad at all, truthfully, it's not. I just miss home so much. I just keep thinking though, is there ever going to be a time that I don't feel like I'm going to break down if I start thinking too much? I'd be happy to join a support group with you because it means we'd be home =). Have a good weekend and enjoy Applebees, yeah for giftcards!

Linda said...

I'm so sorry you're feeling so down Kristen. I don't know what it is, but I think there are days or short seasons where we just feel "unsettled". I'm going to pray that you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

The thing about blogville is that we're with you through the ups and the downs.

Unknown said...

I so know the feeling you're talkin about. I do. I wish I had remedy but all I have is the serenity prayer and putting one foot in front of the other until it passes. And it does pass. It's the in between that just really tears ya down. Hang on.

And 8 lb 12oz isn't THAT huge. I chant this to myself daily.

kpjara said...

Care Bear is clearly a good judge of character! I hope the funk lifts soon...and even if it doesn't we're all here to cheer you on!

Anonymous said...

Well, since you need a MAN's perspective here...

could it be "that time of the month"?

Unknown said...

Something must be in the air. With me, I thought it was pregnancy, but from reading blogs today, I have realized that I'm not alone in my blah, blah mood!

Pamela said...

Kristen, I had to laugh in reading Care Bear's word "Tremendous", the first thought that popped in my head, (and I am very tired)was Charlotte's web! One of my favorite childhood books I used to read with my kids.
I hope it gets better, we all feel like that from time to time. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!

C. H. Green said...

"Crawling out of my skin" -- I've used those exact words lately. I have no idea how old you are, but I'm 41 and premenopausal. Complete with hot flashes, mood swings, and scant and nonexistent periods. I think that's probably the culprit. Noise bothers me. I don't even want the tv on anymore or radio. Hoping it will pass soon. Hang in there.. and if you get a clue as to what it is...let me know.