Aug 10, 2007

I debated telling people about my pregnancy. I waited a long time until I thought it was a "safe" time to tell. You know....past the "first tri-mester" mark when you can be pretty sure you're not going to mis-carry. Miscarry....holding your breath for that first three months hoping against hope that all goes well until you are "in the clear". I thought I was in the clear. Slowly I began to tell people that yes, I am expecting another child. Like it and be happy for me if you want, and just pretend and try to be supportive of me if you're not happy about it because this baby is coming whether you like it or not.

I was in denial for quite awhile. I was in a little bit of panic mode for awhile. Eventually as the days and weeks continued to pass by and the signs that I was most definitely pregnant began to get more prominent (i.e. unbearable nausea, extreme exhaustion, my very steady weight increasing) I began to come out of denial and accept and even become excited about my upcoming arrival. Still nervous and not sure how I was going to handle yet another child, I realized that somehow I would make it work and the focus had to begin to move towards preparing mentally and otherwise for this child.

The doctor who I had gone to and who delivered both of my girls (whom I absolutely loved) retired and sold his practice shortly after I had Feisty. Since that time, I have not had a regular OB/GYN. For those types of appointments, I would just go to my regular doctor. However, once finding out I was going to have another baby, I didn't feel that great about going to my general family doctor for my pregnancy and delivery. But I wasn't sure where I wanted to go. I ended up deciding to search in the town where I work rather than where I live because most likely my appointments would be during work days and I would rather just drive five or ten minutes from my office than drive all the way to the town I live. Plus I love the hospital where I had the girls (and where I was born as well), and decided I would like to have this one there as well. I had really great birthing experiences with both of my girls at the hospital up here.

Ironically, I ultimately decided to go to the place where my old doctor's practice used to be, which is still an OB/GYN clinic. It feels like going "home" when I am there. I had really great pregnancy experiences with my girls and walking back into that office for the first time since having Feisty gave me a little bit of an excited feeling. It was the first time I really started feeling excited and that this is actually happening.

This place is a small clinic. It has one doctor and two mid-wives. I much prefer that type of setting over the gigantic clinics that have two dozen doctors where you might....just might....see the same doctor twice throughout your entire pregnancy....and no telling who might deliver your child.

I was set to have my first ultra-sound this past Wednesday (two days ago). I've always loved ultra-sounds. To me, there is nothing more exciting than seeing your child for the first time in real life. This time was no different. I was really anxious to see the baby. Mike went with me. We went through the ultra sound, saw the baby, saw the heart beat, asked if she could tell the gender (full well knowing she wouldn't be able to, but you know....maybe technology has increased by leaps and bounds in the three years since Feisty was never know). After the ultra sound, she asked us to go take a seat in the waiting room until the doctor was ready to see us.

When she came back out to get us, instead of having us go into another room, she had us go back into the ultra-sound room. She said the doctor wanted to see the ultra-sound "live". I immediately got a bad feeling. I asked the lab tech if there was something wrong. She responded by saying that sometimes the doctor just likes to do this. I knew that was a cop-out. Sure enough, after the doctor came in and start prodding around with that ultra-sound wand and using language a civilian could never understand I knew something was wrong. In laymans terms, "something is wrong, but we're not quite sure what". She of course expanded by pointing out on the ultra sound a "membrane" filled with liquid along the back of the baby's head and down along the spine. Without getting into a whole lot of detail with us, she said she wanted us to see a perinatal specialist in Denver immediately to find out more. The doctor she wanted us to see is a world-renowned perinatal specialist who has opened up a clinic specializing in high-risk and complicated pregnancies. Let me tell you just how fabulous it made me feel that my pregnancy warranted a visit to a high-risk/complicated pregnancy doctor. Just to show you how serious they were about checking out this pregnancy, here is the doc's bio:

John C. Hobbins, MD

Dr. Hobbins received his BS from Hamilton College in New York in 1958 and his MD from New York Medical College. He completed a rotating internship at Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut in 1964, and served as a resident and instructor in obstetrics and gynecology at Yale-New Haven Medical Center, also in Connecticut. Dr. Hobbins has served in professional appointments in the field of obstetrics and gynecology as both physician and professor. In 1980, he became professor of obstetrics and
gynecology and professor of diagnostic radiology at the Yale University School
of Medicine. He was also assistant chair of Yale's Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology. After spending 22 years at Yale, the last several as director of
obstetrics, he moved to the University of Colorado in 1992. Dr. Hobbins is an
active member of more than a dozen professional obstetrics and gynecology and
ultrasound societies. He received an honorary master's degree from Yale
University in 1980 and was named an honorary member of the Societa Italiana di
Ecografia Ostetrico-Ginecologica. For his numerous contributions to the field of
ultrasound, he received the Ian Donald Gold Medal Award in Japan in 1996. Dr.
Hobbins is the author of more than 500 publications, including 10 books and 27
book chapters.

Yeah. He's big stuff. They didn't even have me see one of his "underlings" whom even as underlings would be a pretty impressive doctor to have. The soonest they could get me into see him was yesterday (which by my standards is pretty soon, but I think they really wanted to get me in that same day). The next 24 hours were hell with lots of tears, fears, and trying to maintain some sort of "Okay-ness" for the kids who wanted nothing more than to see the picture of their baby brother or sister.

My mother-in-law has been visiting for the last couple of weeks. She was set to go home on Wednesday, but for some reason decided to stick around that day. I couldn't have been more grateful for her that evening that she drove up to our house when we thought she was already well on her way back to North Dakota. She stuck around, continued to help out with the kids and took care of them yesterday when we went to our appointment in Denver.
I was trying to be optimistic as we headed for Denver. This fabulous doctor would surely look at our ultra-sound and immediately put any thoughts of something being wrong to rest and chalk it up to a flawed ultra-sound picture. But that is not how it went down. To start off, this is what was found:

That is not two pictures of one baby that you're looking at there. That is pictures of twins. Twins. This day was just getting better and better. The top baby they labeled as "Baby A", the bottom, "Baby B". Had we known the genders, I would have just given them names right there and told them to call them that as "Baby A and B" just seems so cold and impersonal.

Baby A is the bigger of the two, which leads them to believe they are not identical. Baby A is who was originally thought to have the problem. When he initially looked at Baby B he thought there was probably a problem with that one as well but upon further looking he doesn't believe that Baby B has the same problem, or may have a problem just not to quite the degree Baby A does. The kicker? Baby B is quite a bit smaller than Baby A and its placenta is not providing a good home right now.

There is a slight possibility that there could be a "twin-to-twin transfusion" going on, which does only occur with identical twins where one twin un-wittingly transfuses blood through the placenta to the other twin, thereby depriving itself of blood and nutrients; making the other baby significantly larger and causing problems for itself. He doesn't think that's what is going on, however it is a possibility.

The membrane that my doctor here saw that I was hoping was just a figment of her imagination is, in fact, there on Baby A. There is a slight one as well on Baby B, but he said that the one on Baby B could go away and he/she could be perfectly fine. If size weren't an issue.

He wants to do a CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) because he believes there is a chromosome issue going on. He believes this child has an extra chromosome which ultimately results in either Trisomy 13, 18 or 21. 21 is better known as Downs-Syndrome. 13 and 18 result in serious mental retardation and deformities. The baby rarely lives long after birth.

If it is Trisomy 21, there is a 21% chance that after the birth the baby with have Downs Syndrome. A 2.5% chance the baby will die, and a 70% chance the baby will be alive and well. Right now, that is all I am hanging onto.

He wanted to do the CVS yesterday, but due to Baby B's small placenta, he didn't want to risk putting a needle into it yesterday and further risking the baby(s). I have an appointment a week from Tuesday to have the CVS done at which time he believes that the placentas will be able to handle it. However, he says due to Baby B's size, there is a good chance that he/she may not even make it that much longer.

Wednesday after my appointment, I cried....a lot. Yesterday I was numb after our appointment. There was little to no emotion. Everything felt so clinical and matter-of-fact. My MIL still had my kids and I sat in my house and watched my taped Soap Opera and two or three hours of Friends re-runs on TBS. It's all I could handle doing.

Today I got up to go to work. I only got four hours of sleep because MIL stayed at our house until 1:30 a.m. before heading back home to N.Dak. Today she is gone. I'm back at work. I'm facing "normal life" which to me will never feel normal again. The reality of it is all setting in and I am having a very difficult time sitting here at my desk trying to deal with other people's problems which to me feel so trivial right now. I want to be at home hugging and kissing and loving on my kids that I already have. I need that sense of "okay-ness" right now. But nothing feels OK. And I have a week and a half to wait to find out my babies' fate and the decisions I must make as a result.

If you made it through that whole post, I will be surprised. I had to write this out for myself to sort through it all in my head and for those who have asked for an update as to what's going on. I will continue to keep you updated as I know things, or as I feel the need to verbally vomit on my blog everything that I am feeling through this.

Thanks is not a big enough word to thank you for your prayers, support and concern. It means more to me than I can ever convey.


Barb said...

I've been anxious for you ever since your mom told me there was a problem, Kristen. I'm so glad you did this post. A lot of people have been praying for you and Mike and the baby (babies) and will be glad of this update, although it's not the best news.

I'll continue to pray for your pregnancy. Please try to take comfort in knowing that modern medicine can do so much for unborn babies. I know the next ten days will be really difficult for you but know that you are covered in prayer.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Kristen, darlin', I am so sorry this is happening and you are so upset and worried. Try to hang on to the fact that there's a good chance that the baby(s) will be fine...nothing is concrete yet, and God is still in control. Of all the things that could happen, no matter how bad our imagination might make it, God will still be there for and with you.

We have a false sense of "normal" when in reality our "normal" changes from moment to moment of our lives. 4 Years ago Feisty wasn't in your life yet, and yet now it wouldn't be normal for her not to be here.

If God chooses to allow this pregnancy to mature, He'll help you every step of the way and "normal" or not, you will be okay, Kristen. Your life will become the "new" normal.

Prayers are being lifted up from Arkansas for you and your family, and these precious babies. I pray God's peace that passeth all understanding for you throughout this pregnancy, Kristen.

Much love and hugs,


Sherry said...


I cannot imagine what you are going through, I really can't. You have been in my prayers and on my heart-not just you but Mike and the girls and Anakin as well. If you need anything, we will be there in a little over a week, I'd love to take the girls.

Mall Worker said...


I can't even imagine what to say to make this better. I've been worrying ever since I read the post on your mom's blog. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Midlife Mom said...

Kristen I came over from your Mom's site. When I read yesterday what was going on I prayed right then at my desk for you and whatever might be going on with your pregnancy. I will continue to pray for you, your family, your babies, and for your doctor to have wisdom in taking care of you. Know that there are many of us out here in Blogsville that care!!

Carole Burant said...'s said that God doesn't give you more than you can handle and although I know how scared and worried you are about your unborn babies, you have to believe that He will guide you through it all. I went through something very similar Kristen so I understand what you're going through. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family!! xoxo

Amanda said...

Wow. Big stuff Kristen. I have been praying and waiting to hear and will continue as you continue this journey. I am glad you have this blog to keep updated. I have missed reading about what's going on- didn't know you had this blog- anyway hope God grants you the "peace that passes understanding" in the coming weeks-

lifeinsuburbia said...

Kristen- What you're going through just sucks. really really sucks. I am so sorry. I am hoping and praying that the babies will be fine. You were on my heart yesterday and today as well...

kpjara said...

Kristen...I'll keep you and babies in my prayers!

Congrats and hang in there.

Susie said...

Hi Kristen,
I just came from your Mom's site and wanted you to know that your family is in my prayers.

Unknown said...

My heart is aching.

Linda said...

Krisen, I am so very sorry. I have been praying for you and Mike and for the baby - now babies. This is such a difficult time. Please know you are prayed for - with heartfelt prayers. I pray that somehow you will know the peace and presence of God over these next few days.
Sending you a huge hug across the miles.
Ps. 139

Baba said...

Kristen, Words can not express our concern and caring thoughts for you, your family and the babies.My daughter is 11 weeks today.She is high-risk, having had a number of miscarriages.She will have many test done next week.I am praying for you and her.....Sending a big hug from me. Baba

Nancy said...

You are, have been, and will oontinue to be in my prayers. Your faith and trust in God will give you the strength that you need- along with the knowledge that you are surrounded by friends,and family that support you, lift you up in prayer, and love you! Thanks for keeping us updated... I think it helps when my prayers can be more specific and now I know exactly what to pray for. Hang in there...

Looney Mom™ said...

I'm so sorry about this news. I haven't been around much and coming here to find all these changes...

I will continue to pray for you and your family - and your precious little babies. God's timing is never wrong. He will work it out because that's what He does. Hang in there.

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

Oh girl - I am soooooo sorry. Your heart AND your mind must be breaking in pieces right now!!! I am praying and looking forward to hearing miraculous news...

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

Kristen - just letting you know I linked to you today. hope that is ok


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Kristen- I've lost & found you and lost you again... glad to find you here! I am praying for this situation. You know God gets the final answers no matter what the doctors say. I hope you are resting well-


Thyen Party of Four said...

Kristen, I came upon your blog via 5 Minutes for Moms. Whew. Your post brings back a host of memories for me. Although I was never pg with twins, I did face the same 'unknown' when ultrasound showed an enlarged nucal sak on my dd. Hearing the same clinical jargon at my first ultrasound, I knew too, that something was up. I too was ushered to one of the top specialists in the area, went through a host of tests (we opted not to complete the invasive tests - but, we didn't have the same circumstances you are having with the placenta, twins etc - and would do the same as you in that situation) - However, we spent the majority of our pregnancy with dd2 not knowing what the outcome would be when she was born.

The unknown is a lonely place to be. Minutes seem to take hours, and hours days while you are waiting to hear some news from docs and specialists. I'll never forget the feelings in my mind and heart while we were facing many of the same things you all are right now - and my heart goes out to you - I'll be praying for you, your two little ones and your family - that you will know the peace that only the love of the Lord can give - because that is what got me through daily - whether I realized it then or not.

The feelings are hard to put into words - but I just wanted to let you know I had been there - and wanted to let you know, you're not alone!!!


groovyoldlady said...

Oh Kristan, how unnerving! I am and will be praying for you all! There is a fabulous organization for parents of "specially blessed" children. Some of the parents went through what you're going through, others have adopted challenging children.

First I want to encourage you by saying that Down's Syndrome is FAR from a horrid diagnosis. Everyone, EVERYONE I know who has dealt with Down's children or HAD down's children or adopted Down's children (I know several!) has had the socks blessed off them. Children ARE a gift from the Lord, a special blessing for your family whether they are perfect and healthy or not.

Please check out this support organization and let them help you rejoice in the midst of your fear and sorrow:

Alyson and Ford said...

It is terrible to not really know what is going on. May your babies coninue to grow and be healthy. Your health is important too. Take care.

LID 01/27/06

Kell Rees said...

I found your blog through 5 minutes for mom.
I am so sorry that you have to be going through this when it should be one of the happiest times in your life. I will be praying for you and your little ones to find the strength to make it through all this.

KarenW said...

When life hits hard, normal seems so trivial. I'm praying for you and your babies.

Summer Owens said...

I'm visiting from 5 minutes for mom.
I am so sorry you are going through such a tumultuous time. I pray you and your family will find peace no matter the outcome.

JB Mall Enterprises said...

I'm visiting from 5 minutes for mom as well and wanted to let you know that you and your babies are being prayed for by more people than you could know.

Father, every organ and tissue in Kristen's and her children's bodies function in the perfection you created it to function. Your word flows through their bloodstreams restoring every cell and transforming their bodies. As we give voice to Your word, power and the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus sets them free from the law of sin and death and your Life is energizing every cell of their bodies. Body, we speak the Word of faith to you and demand that every internal organ perform a perfect work. Father, because of Your Word, Kristen and her children are overcomers. They overcome the world, flesh and the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Lord, continue the perfect work You have begun and send your angels to her and blanket Kristen in peace and healing. Surround her with friends and family that will lift her up and guard her thoughts against any words or feelings that will cause her to doubt the victory she walks in. In Jesus’ precious and mighty name. Amen

JB Mall Enterprises said...

ooops, forgot to leave you my blog address - i don't really use my jb mall enterprises blog yet... please feel free to check out my blog at

Briggie ^i^

Anonymous said...

Kristen, I found you through 5M4M, and I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your babies.

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Kristen, I am sooooooooo sorry... I don't know what to say...

But I am praying! Lots.

Pam said...

I found your site through 5 Minutes for Mom.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I can't imagine. I'm praying.


Diana said...


You will continue to be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing so helps us pray when we can hear your heart. said...

I'm here via 5 Minutes for Mom as well. Fervently praying for God to be your strength through this difficult time and that His perfect will should be known through this trial you are enduring.

mamashine said...

Kristen, I didn't realize you had changed your blog again- I'm way behind on what's going on, and I'm praying lots for you and your whole family. God will be with you every step of the way no matter what the outcome.

Wil's Wheels said...

Kristen, my prayers are going up and my hugs going out to you. There are no words anyone can say to make it better right now, but know that many are praying.

Barbara H. said...

I came here from the 5 Minutes for Mom site -- I think I've been here before for WFMW and Wordless Wednesday. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I can only imagine the thoughts, and feelings swirling around. I will pray for God's grace and strength for you all.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and and your babies.

I hope that you get answers soon, for knowledge is power. I have personal experience with genetic disorders, so if it turns out that way, please consider me a resource for you.

Take good care. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'm here by way of 5M4M too. My heart goes out to you. I plan to follow your story. I haven't gone through your exact situation but have walked the path of losing a twin earlier in my pregnancy. I will be praying that your two make it through the pregnancy.

Amy said...

I am so sorry you have to go through this. I had two high-risk pregnancies, so in some tiny way I feel like I can relate a little to the fear you're feeling right now... but I don't mean to imply that I (or anyone) could know exactly what you're going through. You will certainly be in my prayers. Best wishes!

Dawn said...

The girls at 5min for mom sent me over and I'm glad they did. I'm sorry for the frustration you must be feeling, having to wait all that time. I hope that it goes quickly, and you'll be in my thoughts.

Coming to a Nursery Near You

Tammy and Parker said...

I'm here from 5MFM too.

As a mother to a beautiful child with Down syndrome I first want to let you know that while you may be feeling as though a child with an extra chromosome may be a sad and scary thing, I'd like to tell you that it's not. Parker has brought more joy and love into our family than I could have ever imagined.

Kids with Ds are no longer the stereotypical children from years ago. You may be very surprised to learn that kids with Ds are reaching goals that were never before thought possible in education, job opportunities and even marriage.

When you are ready and would like to talk with someone, please shoot me an email. You might not think so now but you are at the beginning of one of the most beautiful opportunities that could ever be presented to you.

Trust me on this one, k?

And if you change to visit Parker's blog please know that the vast majority of kids born with Ds that I know were born very healthy. We believe that Parker will one day also be a healthy normal little guy. He's just taking the long way to get there. :)

On my sidebar I have links to many families with beautiful children who have Ds. When you are ready to some visiting. You're going to be so incredibly glad that you did.

Sending hugs and prayers that you heart will be comforted.

Tammy and Parker

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog via 5 Minutes for Mom and I just wanted to let you know that, you and your sweet babies are and will be in my prayers.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Prayers and hugs and good thoughts going out to you and your family.

Kate said...

You, your babies, and your entire family are in my prayers.

Lori said...

Praying for peace that passes your understanding. It will be the longest week in your life, we will pray it goes quickly for you.


Kimberly said...

Stopping in from 5MFM as well...You are in my prayers. Also, I don't know where you call home, but I live here in Denver. Please feel free to email me if there is some way I can help you when you are here in Denver.
abnerk9 at yahoo dot com

Lala's world said...

no wonder why I have been thinking and praying for you! hold on to hope it's all you can do. I will be praying for you all.

*Tanyetta* said...

i'm here by way of 5m4m. i wanted to send prayers your way! the doctor's bio is big time! between the doctor and GOD you're in perfect hands!

Tammy said...

Prayers from Indiana for you, your family, and your babies.

loni said...

My heart aches for you. Please know that one more person is praying for you and your babies and your family.

Changed by His Love said...

Here from 5Min for Mom. I want you to know we are bathing you in prayer and we will continue to do so. We are praying for peace during this time that only God can give. He alone is the sustainer of life and no MATTER what the outcome, it is not out of His sight or His in that.

AnnG said...

I'll be praying for you and your little babies, to grow and be healthy. Praise God for an experienced doctor to care for you. Blessings to you and your family.

rohanknitter said...

I found my way here from Barb's blog. I will pray for you and your babies, for the best possible outcome, and for strength and grace for you and your family. Waiting to find out more must be excruciating. Hang in there.

Blackeyedsue said...

I am glad I found you again.

Oh Kristin! I am so sorry! I will be keeping you and your two little ones in my prayers!

Amy said...

Oh...I too had bad news delivered at my ultrasound. My daughter had a defect that didn't allow her to live outside the womb...much different than your babies. I guess I am telling you that so that you know that I can understand what you are going through right now. I will be praying for you and your family that you get some more definate answers soon and that you will have strength to face each new day. I will be sure to raise your babies up to Him and pray that His will will be done. Please remember that you have so many people thinking of and praying for you (this is evident to me by just skimming the other comments that have been left), your family and your sweet babies are dearly loved.

Anonymous said...

You are dealing with scenerios that none of us can really identify with. And I am so sorry. But please, do not give up the faith. My brother's son was diagnosed as grossly deformed 6 weeks prior to his birth 20 years ago. They had to sign papers for DNR (Do not recussitate) before he was born.

I saw him last week. He is heading into his second year of college and has always been perfectly healthy. He has a wonderful sense of humor and lots of friends.

Please don't give up hope.

Kristi said...

I just read your post. You will be in my prayers. I have four children, my second born is seven years old and has Down syndrome. He is just as incredible as my other children! We love him so much and could not imagine life without him. If you would like to talk, I would be happy to listen (although I know we do not know each other, it helped me when I was pregnant and received my son's diagnosis prenatally to talk to others with children with Down syndrome). Whatever the diagnosis of your precious babies, I will pray for you.

Anonymous said...


First I want to tell you, I understand your overwhelmed.
Second I want to tell you how fate brought me to your blog. I do not believe in coincidence. I read "In the Midst of It" by Sarah, every now and again. Today I clicked on "A chelsea morning"--a link on Sarah's blog to her Aunt Barb's blog. Barb linked to you for a prayer request.
Now, let me explain a little further, with out writting a book in your comment section. My nephew has Trisomy 16.
Trisomy 16 we were told by the genetist is not compatible with life. We were told this shortly after his birth, with a confirmed diagnoses with his exact kereotype @ 3 months old. He is NOW 2 1/2 year old. The genetist and doctors are completly baffled. He had a g tube inserted in his stomach @ 16 days old..--the doctors said he couldn't suck properly or strong enough to sustain himself sucking from a bottle--HIS G-BUTTON FELL OUT AT 6 MONTHS OLD. He had taken everything by mouth from the day he came home from the hospital @ 26 days old (which just happened to be my birthday ;) I thought he just tugged it out...he was an active 6 month old---the hole was completly closed with in the 30 minutes we got to the hopsital.....Doctors said it didn't make any sense...That gbuttons don't just "fall out", and that it had to be healing from the inside out that entire time, slowely pushing its way out of his abdomen! Guess what, it made perfect sence to husband laid hands on my sister stomach when she was barely pregnant and had some spotting, and later again when her body was trying to miscarriage (as most babies with trisomy 16 and 18 often do)and he prayed for healing. Healing as prayed over this child from in the womb...from everyone we knew, near and far. We were told at first he wouldnt make it 6 months. 6 months came and genetisist couldn't understand why he wasnt having siezures, how he was trying to do things like sitting up, starting to roll over...gaining weight or the other things her textbooks said he should or shouldnt be doing. She said he wouldnt make to his first birthday. We had a huge first birthday party. She said he wouldnt make to his 2nd birthday. We invited her, but she didn't make it. Honey these doctors have MD, phD and many other letters after their name...none of them have GOD after their name, and with GOD anything is possible. I am crying as I write this. I hope i've given you some encouragment. Please pray for healing in your babies! Email me if you would like, i will now save your blog to my favorites. I do not have a blog as of yet, but am starting one, its under construction ;)
Prayers from Texas,

Annie said...

I'm joining in the group praying over the precious babies and for you and your family.

Delia said...

I'll be praying for ya'll.

Anonymous said...

Take refuge in the arms of the Father. Your pain and anxiety are yours to own and our Lord knows that pain intimately. He is not leaving you in this!
I will be praying for you daily.

And I will pray for healing for your babies.

on the Rock said...

Lifting up you and the babies in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless you...

Shera said...

Twin pregnancies can be scary enough without everything you are going through!!! I am truly praying for you and trusting for a whole and perfect outcome for you, your family and your precious little ones!

Bless you!

Justabeachkat said...


I came over from Barb's. Wishing you the best. Stay strong and faithful. Our God is awesome. All things are possible through Him.


Theresa said...

I found your mom through Wordless Wednesday today and followed a link here after looking through older posts.

I will be praying and am bookmarking you to check back

I agree with Kat above!


Proverbs 31 Woman Wannabe said...

I am praying for you & your babies.

Overwhelmed! said...

Kristen, I found you through 5 Minutes for Mom and I want you to know I'm offering up prayers for you and your babies!

Ms. Kathleen said...

You, your babies, your family are in my prayers and I am passing along this prayer request...

God Be With You!


Judith said...

Though we don't know each other yet, want you to know I am praying for you and your babies. God can fix things even doctors can't.

Unknown said...

Kristen... having known you for ~15 years now, I am once again struck by His ever-present hand on you, and the fact that our amazing, unknowable, incomparable God ... the One who placed the stars in the sky and called them by name ... is even now knitting together two of His own in your womb ... and has once again set you on a path of faith in His character, a path that will find your eyes riveted once again on Him alone, and not on your circumstance. A path where your faith will rise up as before and enable you to declare His Word, His sufficiency, and His perfect purposeful will over these little ones as they prepare to enter the world. Your declarations to them in word -and most importantly in song - will be their triumph and the enemys defeat. I praise God for your mother's heart and joy in your children, and for each collectable tear, so precious in His sight. He is showing you new faces of Himself and growing you in new ways, and that's what it's all about. He will give you all that you need when you need it. Let Him bless you in this - for we know that what the enemy means for defeat, He will use for victory. Amen? He's your North star. Set your course. Stay the course. Let Him steer. Much love to you, Mike and the kiddos.

teresa said...

Kristen, I am praying for you and your babies. God is a great God. May you feel his comfort and may He provide healing for your babies.

CaraqueƱa said...

Hey there...I just linked over here from Barb's place. Wow! That's some story~thanks for sharing. There are a lot of us praying and God is definitely in control. He surely brings us to these moments when we can do NOTHING so that we can know that He is EVERYTHING! Praying for you! Beth in Venezuela

Unknown said...

I read your entire post and there is nothing tougher than being in your position. I was there a little under a year ago. Going in for my ultrasound with Titus, fully expecting to hear if he was a boy/girl and that he was healthy. The tech found that he had mild hydrocephallus. So many uncertainties arose just from that diagnosis. I was sent to a specialist, had lots of ultrasounds and tests, and 19 weeks of on my knees. Then, our Almighty Father intervened and at 37 weeks our ultrasound came back that Titus was healed completely. Now I have a perfectly healthy 6 mos. old. I do believe in the power of prayers and that our God performs miracles. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask or imagine. I will be praying. God bless you and your children!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Hello there! I read the whole post and just wanted to sob so I can only imagine how you and your family must be feeling. I am adding my prays to each and everyone here already praying.

Thank you SO MUCH for opening your heart and sharing this with us.

Gina said...

Obviously I am late finding out your big news! You are in my thoughts and prayers! You are an amazing woman!

Joyfulsister said...

I just read your blog and I pray all is well and I too will be keeping you, your family and those precious little blessings in prayer

Aloha joyful

Mary said...


My heart goes out to you. I will pray for your babies.

I did make it through the entire post. You've explained everything very well and I commend you for that. You are utterly amazing.

Take care, Kristen. I know I'm late posting but I just read your blog entry. Prayers will be going into the heavens fast and furious here.


Granny said...

I don't think we've met. I just came over from Mary's Writing Nook and I notice one or two other friends we have in common.

It's hard to know what to say except that I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Ann (aka granny)

Amanda said...

Oh Kristen I am so sorry. I have a friend whose son had Trisomy 18. I hope that's not the problem and that it's something harmless and easy to fix!