Oct 12, 2007

And It's Official--Perfect Babies

Regardless of the fact that my test results came back showing no chromosomal abnormalities in either of the twins, the doctors were absolutely convinced that this cycstic thing (I can never remember its official name) had to mean that there was something wrong with the babies. So today I did what they told me to do and went back for another ultra sound; this time to make sure there were no other serious birth defects happening and to make sure that the hearts are all good.

This was about the coolest appointment I've ever had because this guy's ultra-sound machine rocks. He can zoom in on the babies and make them look like they're on an IMAX screen. It was wicked awesome. (That's me being 32 and trying to sound like a young 20-something pregnant lady--don't mind me).

He was very thorough on each baby and the ultra-sound lasted almost an hour. He measured every body part he could, looked at the heart, the kidneys, the lungs, the spine, checked for cleft palates, how the feet are growing, etc. etc. etc.....he kept using "doctor speak" to which I would respond, "Is that good? Is that OK?" After about the 50th time of asking that, he finally acknowledged, "Poor Kristen. We've really put you through hell through this pregnancy haven't we?" I responded in the affirmative.

When finally every body part had been checked and re-checked, measured and re-measured, EKGs done on the babies hearts, etc. etc. etc......he finally had to resolve that "These babies are perfect." The only slight complaint he had is that one is measuring about a week behind and he wants to continue to monitor their growth. OK....well tell me something I didn't already know. We've always known one baby is smaller than the other and measuring a week behind. When did this become news?!

The funnest (I really don't think that's a word) part of the whole appointment that totally shocked me when it came up on screen was when he treated me to a 3-D picture of "big squirt"--the one who had the cycstic whatchamacallit. (He truly seemed baffled as to where that thing has gone....) Little Squirt would not cooperate and sit still long enough to get a 3-D picture of her. Stinker. So, for your viewing pleasure....big squirt at 20 weeks.

Isn't technology amazing?!?! Look at that face! I can see my baby's face!!

And by request, here is a belly pic or two--at 20 weeks:

So, that was a pretty great way to start the weekend off! No big plans this weekend--except for cleaning out my closets and putting clothes away. Yipeeeee.

Have a great one!

The "Baby Name Game" will continue throughout the remainder of my pregnancy (or until I decide on names, whichever comes first). Click on the button in the sidebar to add any names you think of. This is much harder than I thought!


Dawn said...

She looks like Feisty! And the little one must be - feisty, that is.

Did you tell the doc we know where that whatchamacallit went??

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Wonderful! I never expected to hear anything except good news about these babies. God has them in the palm of His hand and they've been covered in prayer.

Easy for me to say since I'm not the concerned Mama or Grandma, ain't it? ;D

Happy closet cleaning and putting away. ;o)

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

I think the baby looks like Feisty. What great ultrasound pictures!

You are looking great!

lifeinsuburbia said...

Girl. I was bigger than you at 20 weeks. And I only had one baby. We're totally not friends anymore. :) Glad everything is going well. And I love the names.

Linda said...

I couldn't be happier for you Kristen. I love it when God just blesses our socks off!!!

Sherry said...

You look great!!! So glad you heard such wonderful news!!:)

someone else said...

That's really great news!

shoeaddict said...

I have to say that I was misty-eyed looking at your baby's face. How beautiful. God is good, huh!!

Barb said...

What a relief this wonderful news must be, Kristen. And yep, that tummy is cute, cute. We're going for the ultrasound that tells us Krissy's baby's sex on October 31st. How I would love it if this were going to be one of these amazing 3-D ultrasounds.

Unknown said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. What a relief it must be for you to finally breathe deeply and enjoy your pregnancy without sharing that enjoyment with fear. Many congratulations! And, now, if I was you, I would celebrate with a pint of Ben & Jerry's all to myself! I mean, you are having twins to that would be perfectly okay, right?

Carole Burant said...

Oh Kristen, isn't it just soooo very wonderful to know they're both PERFECT!!! I'm amazed at how advanced ultra sounds have become...those 3D photos are simply amazing!! Love the tummy pictures too! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes you left me, so very much appreciated:-) xoxo

Unknown said...


I can't believe that even in a 20wk ultrasound that she looks like Feisty and CareBear did as babies. You all have one serious cookie cutter. :) She's gorgeous.

Kellan said...

Soooo glad about the good news!

Andrea said...

Hi Kristen. I popped on over from Mary's blog to check in on your babies.

What an incredible miracle!! I love it when God does things that baffle doctors. It shows that HE is still sovereign.
