Jun 21, 2006

Second Test...

was hard. I breezed through the last one. I wasn't nearly as confident when taking this one. I'm nervous to find out how I did.

Just had to "publish" my angst!!


Diane Viere said...

Kristen--Oh I so remember the anxiety of taking a test. That is why I deeply appreciated attending college through an Adult Learning group. Northwestern has college for non-traditional students that is writing intensive--very few exams. Yay! The downside--each week entailed a minimum of 10 hours of reading, four hours of class and a written paper of some sort to illustrate that we learned what we were suppose to learn. So much better than cramming for an exam!

I'm sure you did very well--and have I mentioned--how happy I am for you--how PROUD I am of you--that you are doing this! Go Girl!


Dawn said...

I'm sure you did better than you think! Working with adult students, I see their passion to be perfect. They know why they're there and they want to prove to themselves and the world that they still have it! I often wonder if I could do it. I am your proud mom!

Gina said...

You are so brave... I hated tests so much! I hated studying for them too! Good luck!!!

Unknown said...

I do not miss taking tests!
I'm sure you did better than you think you did :-)