Apr 27, 2006

I Am From

Here is my "I Am From" poem that Mary challenged everyone to do.


I am from clean, crisp sweet smelling sheets fresh out of the laundry, from just cleaned Pine-Sol floors and from chirping trees outside my bedroom window.

I am from the yellow house with white trim at the end of the cul-de-sac, the trim of hedges around the lawn and the freshly mowed grass.

I am from family game night, opinionated people who are always right and two sets of grandparents who are still around.

I am from forgetfulness and godliness.

From don’t sit too close to the TV or your eyes will cross and no playing outside until homework is done.

I am from a long line of Nazarenes and from the same church I grew up in. My children now go to the same church and play in the same nursery I did as a child.

I’m from Colorado and Sweden, spaghetti and homemade chocolate chip cookies.

From the mom and dad who were both pastors’ kids and moved around every two years with their family, the mom and dad who grew up in two different religions but joined together once married and the stubborn brow line on my mom’s side of the family.

I am from hundreds of thick photo albums, and boxes full of crafts, school papers, journals and other mementos that reflect years of love, fun, thoughts and family.

I am from a family of laughs and love.


owlhaven said...

Love it!!! I'm glad you played!!

Mary, mom to many

Nicki said...

That was great! I'm from Pine-Sol floors too. Hee!

Gabriela said...

I like it. "I am from a family of laughs and loves". Sounds nice.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Loved to read it!

Lei said...

Fun, witty, insightful... I still need to do this! Thanks for sharing. :)

Rachelle said...

What a great poem!

mamashine said...

Oh, what a good one! I love that you still go to the same church and your kids play in the same nursery. Such a cool sense of continuity.