Apr 12, 2006

The Strait Jacket is Ordered

And it's on it's way--FED-EX. Because I am certifiably crazy.

Why would I, someone with three kids, and a part time job, do something as insane as deciding to add school to my already unmanageable life? For many reasons I suppose.

  • It's always been a goal of mine to finish my degree before I'm too old to do anything with it.
  • I've finally decided what I want to do after changing my mind at least 40 times, so now it's worth it.
  • I need something meaningful to do with my life that doesn't include the phrase, "a means to an end" after my kids are in school and don't need me so much anymore.
  • As an employee at the school, I get a certain amount of free credits, so WHY NOT?
  • My chosen major is Interior Design, so I will get to learn how to make my house beautiful, and make other houses beautiful....for money.
  • I need to feel like I'm working for something; not always somebody.
  • I don't want to spend the rest of my life answering the phone, "Admissions, this is Kristen." (This really confuses people when they are calling me at home and I answer the phone this way!)

I had actually originally planned on going this spring, but there was a hold on my registration because the health center said I didn't have my immunization records on file there. Whatever. I did. But by the time they cleared the hold, the two classes I needed were filled up. I was a little, um, angry. Yeah.

I have my advising appointment scheduled for Friday. I don't have any holds on my account, and I can register on May 1.

Suffice it to say, I'm a little nervous. Not just because it's been 10 years since I've gone to school or studied; I don't even know if I remember how to study. But I'm a little intimidated at the thought of sitting in a classroom with a bunch of 18 year olds. That thought really makes me feel my age. I'm thinking I might wear my "Harvard" sweatshirt, then maybe they will think I'm some brainiac that transferred from Harvard and won't look at me so weird. You think?

In addition, I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into. The class I will take in spring is a sketching class. I am in no way an artist, so I'm not sure this was the smartest decision on my part; but maybe they'll teach me how to draw.

At any rate, wish me luck. I've still got a few months to get the jitters out of my tummy, but the fact that I'll be registering very soon makes it all too real.

Me. A student again. Who'd a thunk? (Better quit talking like that, huh?)


Sherry said...

You'll do great. I have always wanted to try that. It doesn't work so well at our house..well, I try at least. Luke is still in the dorm room mode...posters and random signs. My solution, I gave him his own room to have fun in. It's worked so far.=)

Unknown said...

You can be one of those "non-traditional" students who sets the curve too high and makes all the partying undergrads mad.

You'll be great. I'm proud of you for doing something that's just for yourself. I can see you totally eating it up.

Mall Worker said...

You will do great! Going back to school is just like getting back on a bike after a long period of time!

Kristen said...

Sherry....the posters and dorm room signs would totally be Mike as well if I didn't completely and totally nix it. He can use the garage for that stuff if he must! :-)

Karen, thanks for the faith! I hadn't thought of it that way. I hope it suits me well.

Snickers, I hope you're right. It's been a long time since I rode a bike, too! LOL!

Diane Viere said...

Good for you! I just graduated from college....last May.....at the age of 50! I attended a Christian College that had a non-traditional program for working/adults. No day classes with 18 year olds to distract...everyone in the cohort was committed to their education because they had waited so long to go back. Nothing wrong with 18 year olds...but the learning style of adults is much different from youth--so it was geared to teach us in an appropriate manner.

I highly encourage you--if this has been a dream of yours, a goal, then do it! I loved every minute of it--well I say that now that it's over! But I really am glad to have taken the opportunity and made the time required to finish a life-time goal. I actually miss the "project" piece of school. Love researching, preparing, organizing, a good paper!

Good Luck...and God Bless!


someone else said...

Kristen, that's wonderful! Good luck to you!