May 31, 2006

Works For Me Wednesday


I have not yet participated in Shannon's "Works for me Wednesday" because, honestly, I'm not that creative or organized. But I'm getting a lot of great ideas from all you other creative Moms out there. So, today, in the desire to participate, I racked my brain to try and figure out what things I do to make my life easier.

I hate the feeling of chaos. In my house, the most chaotic times seem to be morning and night. My kids (particularly Care Bear) have certain things that they need to have at night time to make the transition to sleep easier for them. Care Bear must have (appropriately) her favorite Care Bear, and her trusted black pillow (a couch pillow that she has adopted as her own and must have whenever it's naptime or bed time). When I put her to bed, I always make sure her black pillow and her Care Bear are there with her should she wake up in the middle of the night. This is in the hopes that she doesn't come and get me and ask for these things when she wakes up. I also have a gate that I put up at the foot of the stairs in case they do wake up and start meandering towards the stairs. I also do this in case they wake up before the hubby and I have gone to bed. I don't want them wandering down the stairs, seeing the lights and TV on, and think it's time to get up and play!! Perish the thought!! This is how I make life easier for myself at night! Works for me!

To make life easier for myself in the morning, I try to get the kids' clothes, lunches, backpacks (if it's the school year) and everything ready for them the night before so that there is not massive craziness in the morning of trying to find socks, underwear, lunch boxes, etc. Sometimes it gets done, sometimes it doesn't. But when it does, it "Works for Me!" :-)

Happy Wednesday, y'all!


kpjara said...

You're a natural!

Anonymous said...

Consistency (spelling?) is key! I REALLY do think that!

Anonymous said...

we did the gate thing for years... both at the top and bottom of stairs. Worked for me until my last one, who was so stubborn she'd climb over the darn thing when not even a year old. What a nightmare that one was!!!! Thankfully she survived and is quite a lovely 7 year old.
Thanks for visiting me :)

Unknown said...

Planning ahead DOES work! But sometimes I'm just too tired or busy to do it.

Mall Worker said...

I totally agree on planning ahead! I'd go insane with out it!

Ashley said...

i'm so thankful i don't have to do that yet!! i dread the getting up early to get everyone ready and "chaos" in the house. i am a much more "wake up whenever" and "do whatever" kinda person. i'll definitely have to remember to try and make lunches, etc. the night before...otherwise, it may not get done.

Karla said...

I'm with everyone else, planning ahead is the key. It really is much easier in the long run. Never fails I over sleep on the days when I haven't planned ahead the night before. Oh the chaos!!!!