Feb 15, 2007

The Ultimate "Mommy Blog" Post.

You have arrived. At probably the most obnoxious mommy blog post you'll ever read. But what's the point of being an obnoxious mommy blogger if you can't write obnoxious mommy blog posts. So if you have a serious aversion to this types of posts, click away now.

First off, I'd like to divert your attention to the video/song playing right now. I heard this song the other day and it is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. If I could write song lyrics, this would be the song I would have written to my children. When I heard this song a boulder sized lump formed in my throat and the tears just flowed.
OK....so go wipe your eyes and finish the post now. Ready?

I know I've discussed Care Bear a lot lately, but I can't help it. I do have two other children; I swear. Care Bear just does so many things lately that I can't keep to myself.

The other night as Care Bear and I were saying our good night prayers, she did her typical prayer; the scripted one she says almost every night, but at the end she added a little surprise: "Dear Jesus", she said, "Have fun playing with the angels. And tell them I said that." Leave it to a four year old child to picture her Heavenly father up there playing with the angels. And I bet he's doing just that.

As a measure to avoid going to sleep, she likes to talk....a lot. In practically the same breath in which she told Jesus to have fun playing with the angels she informed me of this:

"Mommy. You're my favorite balloon". .........
"Um....thanks? I think". Don't ask me. I have no idea. And then.....

"Mommy? I wish my hair was hearts."


"What do you want your hair to be, Mommy?"


"Nooooo! It can't be spaghetti. That's too much like real hair."
"OK....um....Tootsie Rolls".
"Noooo! That looks like hair, too. What do you want your hair to be?"
"Oreo cookies."
"YEAH! Oreo Cookies! That's great, Mommy. What do you want your body to be? I want mine to be chocolate chip cookies!!"

"How about marshmallows?"

"Yeah! Marshmallows!"

"Care Bear. It's time to go to sleep now."

"OK, Mommy."

In review: I have Oreo cookie hair and marshmallow body. Care Bear has hearts for hair and resembles a Chips Ahoy. I think I'll put Candy Land away for awhile....far, far away.

I have decided that I'm going to open up an art studio. Right in my very home. I might as well. There's paint and marker already all over the walls and the furniture. At least I could make some money from the mess my home is. There are currently five items up for auction. If you are interested, contact me. But realize....they will be copies. Not the originals. I can't part with the precious originals.

The first item is a Care Bear original. Notice the fine brush strokes and use of bright vivid colors. Care Bear describes this painting as a metaphor to the peace in life that she feels. In it, she is lying under a tree while basking in the beauty of a rainbow and the sun.

But she also says to interpret it as you wish. That is, after all, what all fine artists do.

This is an Anakin original. It is a lunar eclipse. He drew it while watching the lunar eclipse. I don't think his eyes are permanently damaged. At least I hope not.

Feisty has recently taken up painting; following in her big brother and sister's footsteps. This is her first foray into painting and we here at the gallery think she has a natural talent.

Feisty asked me to not try to interpret her artwork as it is very personal. She hopes that whomever purchases her paintings find something personal in it. That is her desire for all of her artwork; present and future.

Another Care Bear....

And another Feisty....

All items in the auction will open at a bid of $500. I know you will all agree that this is quite reasonable considering that art work this fine typically starts at a much higher bid.


Feisty's favorite word these days? "DUH!" I love it....not so much.


Anakin is very observant. He's keeping close track of his Grandma Dawn's diet. Go see what he had to say about it over at my Mom's today.


This post was a royal pain in the booty. Enjoy what's left of your Thursday!


Dawn said...

Love the song! Love the art! Love those little rascals all to pieces!

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Dawn is gushing over the grandkids. ;-)

I love the first picture. Really. If I had $500 I'd sure buy it. ;D

I'm looking forward to doing Grandma things with Emmy when she gets here.

Trust me, they don't stay little for long enough, and they don't grow up fast enough. Just depends on what kind of day you're having at the time. :-)

Barb said...

What a beautiful song, Kristen. I could sit here and listen to it over and over again.

And hey! It's great artwork. So go for it - open that studio. LOL

Tracey said...

Oh, I can SOOOOO relate to art on the walls! I do think you ought to open that studio, your children are obviously brilliant artists!

someone else said...

Fun reading!! The artwork is definitely exhibition quality!!

Carole Burant said...

Such beautiful art work...better than what I've seen in some art galleries! lol I've kept a lot of the paintings my boys did when they were little...treasures to me now:-) Love the song!!

Unknown said...

That is a very touching song.
How about an art swap??? I can definitely relate to the art pieces everywhere!

Susie said...

Beautiful song! Can I tell you that you will be looking back someday and being so glad you've captured these special moments to remember.
You think you won't forget any of them, but you do! (and here they are here on your blog!)

Gina said...

Awesome post... there is so much to comment on, I don't know where to start.

Love that hair and body convo with Care Bear. Man she is so funny!

You are so clever to open a gallery. I wish I could afford the offerings. I love the "meanings" of each one and how you explained them. You are such a cool mom!

I look forward to the day that I can frame some of Liam's work.

Musings of a Housewife said...

Funny, I feel like my 4-y/o gets too much airtime on my blog too. Must be the age. They just say so many adorable things. Love the artwork!!

Lala's world said...

that was a great post. great song. great paintings!

Nancy said...

I know I have said it before but... enjoy every minute with your precious little one... they grow up so fast! I love this post because it says so much about what a great mom you are. Your kids are such a precious gift from God and you are definitely taking such great care of your "gift"!

Pamela said...

What a sweet little conversation with Care Bear! I would like me some heart hair too!

The artwork is darling! I only buy originals though! lol

Thanks for sharing the video, I have never heard that song before!

Happy 5th Anniversary! :)