Feb 27, 2007

What The Snow Has Uncovered...And Other Miscellaneous Tidbits

Shortly after Christmas, you may remember hearing about a small little blizzard that hit Colorado, thus requiring most Coloradoans to be housebound for quite awhile and make mothers of young children almost go insane. (at least this young mother). On her latest post, my Mom posted a picture of the comparison between our yard and the neighbors across the street yard. Because of where our yard is in relation to where the sun hits, we are blessed to still have quite a mountain of snow in our front yard. Our backyard, however is melting quite nicely and quickly. (If you consider 2 months after the snow came quick.) As the snow is leaving our yard, I am discovering some interesting items that have apparently made the blanket of snow their home for the past couple of months. How these things got in our yard and under the snow in the first place is a mystery to me. These items include (but are not limited to):
  • A metal cooking bowl
  • A spoon (I think these first two things were used by my children the first day of the snow to make "snow cones" and never got brought in)
  • A Dr. Pepper can
  • A shovel
  • Christmas tree garland
  • A couch pillow (pillow not cushion...there's a difference doncha know).
  • Several stuffed animals
  • Several (now destroyed) books
  • A football
  • And the kids' playhouse finally peaked its roof out from under the snow.

Now, I don't know if the wind from the blizzard somehow snuck into my home while I wasn't looking and threw these things into the snow, or if some little elves (in the form of Anakin, Care Bear and Feisty) took these items out when I wasn't looking and threw them in the snow. Who knows, but regardless, my yard (front and back) looks like a wind-blown rummage sale of destroyed items. I see a pretty big yard clean-up in my near future.


I still haven't made a decision on the whole "private blog" thing. It's still rattling around in my head. I'll let you know soon. One of the reasons I'm contemplating this is because someone out there (in my neck of the woods) apparently is having fun stalking my blog and various other people's blogs. While I'm not terribly concerned about it, it's making me a little uneasy. Who is this person, and why do they feel the need to check my blog multiple times a day and never make their presence known?? This is to you, Stalker-person: "You must know me because you are also visiting other people I know....come out of the proverbial closet and make your presence known....please and thank you."


I have made a couple of minor changes on my blog that (unless you are extremely observant) you may have not noticed, but the small changes have made my blogging life somewhat less stressful. One of these changes is taking myself out of "blog top sites". This little, tiny, miniscule thing on my blog was becoming an obsession for me to look at. If my ranking wasn't where I wanted it to be, it started to make me feel bad about myself and wonder why it wasn't where I hoped it would be. I know others who gave up this thing long ago; I should have as well. Who cares where my blog is ranked? Well, I did. Which is why I gave it up.

I also shoved Site Meter allllllll the way down to the bottom of my blog. While it is still there (for purposes of protecting myself and my blog), it is not quite so accesible and if I want to check it, I have to continuously scroll all the way down there, which, quite honestly, I'm too lazy to do.

Ever since I got the computer at home, I have found myself blogging almost every single day. When before, when I only had access at work, I'd blog 3, maybe 4 times a week. Blogging every day has become somewhat of a chore for me now; trying to figure out what to write about and consistently checking to see how many comments I have. This has also been a stresser for me. So now, I plan to write when I have something to write about....and only then. No more of this, "Crap....what should I write about today" stuff.

These little (albeit minor) changes have, unbelievably, made my stress level decrease. All of this to say, I may not be around as much, and I may. It all depends on if I have something to say. (whoa....I'm a poet and I didn't know it.)


Enjoy the remainder of your evening and your tomorrow. Maybe I'll be around....maybe I won't. What a freeing feeling!


**Edited to add: For the love of all things....it's snowing AGAIN! I didn't even get a chance to clean the yard and it's all getting covered over again. Shoot, the rummage sale is going to have to be put off. I know everyone is disappointed they could not come and purchase a dirty spoon or water damaged book!**


Susie said...

Sorry you're having problems with lurkers. That's one reason I took my site meter down. I don't want to know if people visit and don't leave a comment. I really only care about those that do comment..
Hope you can find your "blogging happy place"

someone else said...

I hear ya on the need for blogging changes. But I enjoy the experience so much, I simply can't quit. But I am seriously working at cutting back.

And I will add this here (hope you don't mind):

If the person who is stalking this blog is reading this, you must know WE know you're doing it. All of the members of this family who have blogs know that you're clicking from one of our blogs to the next, to the next, multiple times a day because we can see you in our sitemeters. We see your IP address, your ISP and the town from which you come. So either go away or at least let us know you're not a threat to any of us, because we all feel slightly creeped out.

Dawn said...

I hope the stalker comes out of hiding. It is such a mystery.

I have never felt the need to write every day, for which I am thankful since I don't have time to do it and not neglect my little grand-kiddo rascals, or get fired from my job. I always felt like what I said was worth more than a one day run! Hmmm. Maybe that's a bit to egotistical. I'm glad you're feeling less stressed, and I don't think I want to come and look at the back yard!

*Tanyetta* said...

I'm back! :) I had a 'stalker' she is actually someone I know. She secretly wants to date me i'm sure. LOL

Don't worry, hopefully this crazy lurker will go away. I honestly cannot stand people who live to make other's lives miserable or attempt to do that.

Hope things are going well for you and maybe you'll win some cool prizes on 5 minutes for mom?? :)

Carole Burant said...

Hey I'm comin' over...I hear you're having a yard sale? LOL You made me laugh so much at all the stuff that's being uncovered by the melting snow! hehe I've never even heard of "blog top sites" so I guess I don't have to worry about it! lol As for my site meter, I also have mine wayyyy at the bottom of my blog and I may look at it once a month, when I remember to! As for the stalker, that is creepy:-( Just don't let him/her/they stop your joy of blogging, though...cut back if need be but don't completely stop!! You're always a joy to come visit:-) xox

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hmmm....Stuf 4 sail...Cheep! ;D

I've had a few repetitive lurkers, too. Most of the time they just fade away, though. A couple of times I've done as you did: I've mentioned their city, number of visits, etc. and challenged them to either reveal themselves or go away. So far they've all just faded away, thank goodness.

Where did you get the cartoon caricatures of Feisty and Carebear, if you don't mind my asking? They are ADORABLE!

And I have NEWS! We have a healthy baby! Check out my blog when you get a chance. :-)

Linda said...

Sounds like you've got a veritable treasure hunt going on at your house.
I'm sorry you're having these worries about your blog. I'm not savvy enough to even know how you know when someone is doing that!! I don't have a site meter any more and didn't really have one for more than a few days.
Anyway, I hope this all gets straightened out Kristen.

Sherry said...

I'm not quite as tech savvy as you, but I have heard through the grapevine about this lurker from your general area. That is so odd. I wish they would identify themselves so we weren't so nervous about what we post and decide not to post.

Trisha said...

Yikes Kristen! Hope that everything works out alright with the stalker. That has to be more than a little unnerving. If you do make your blog private, iwould still read. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'd love to know who the stalker is also. I try to ignore it most of the time but I am awfully curious.

I gave up most of my computer for Lent last year. I set the egg timer for one hour and when it dinged I turned the computer off for the day. I was at the point you are now. Taking a break and putting a limit on myself put it into new perspective for me. It's crazy how much blogging can take over your life. Totally nuts.

Lala's world said...

oh I hear ya on the snow! we have had snow covering our grass since before Halloween!! and just when I thought it was going to be spring, we got more snow!!! and I know I have a ton of stuff rotting underneath it all too! for me with our dogs.....ya well they have been poopin in the snow which freezes it....I am dreading the melt/smell down!!

TJ said...

Kristen...I know what you mean...I've had a lurker/stalker whatever you want to call her...I know who she is but what can ya do...I turned off the site meter because it just stresses me out too bad!!
PS...would you email me your addy as I've took a notion to start answering comments by email...

TJ said...

Nevermind I just checked your side bar and found it!!

Pam said...

Your comment on the immunizations totally cracked me up! Sounds like maybe you've been there before??? hee hee

Love your blog, would hate for it to be a private one. Someone needs to do a really thorough post on the stalker thing. How can you tell? Just by checking the site meter or what? I'm just not that savy on all of this yet. I know I hit the Big Trade Off constantly because I'm too lazy to add all the blogs on her list to my own:) Suppose I should take care of that however. Can't imagine much worse then to be labeled a stalker:)

Lisa said...

Wonder what you'll find when the snow melts this time? *LOL*

Came over by way of Morning Glory. Sorry about the stalker mess...