Mar 3, 2006

New Look & Gross Stuff

Well, I am debuting a new look. The poor Queen has spent the better part of her day trying to help me figure out my many blog issues and the decision was made to try out a new template? What do ya think?

Now, ladies, ladies. When you are at work (if you work) and you are using the public bathroom, please do your best to make sure that your sanitary napkins make it all the way into the sanitary napkin container. Even more importantly, in your quest to put the napkin into the container, please ensure that you are not smearing blood all over the container as to make anyone who follows you want to throw up their recently eaten 2 pound Chipotle Burrito!! A simple request, I think. (Now I will go throw up said burrito as that was not a hypothetical situation....I was the lucky one to experience it.) Gross!!


Unknown said...

Sorry about the wonky issues. I've been there, numerous times.

Is there any chance you can increase the font size you use? It makes me cross eyed when I try to read. Or maybe I'm just old.

GiBee said...

Oooohhhh!!! I know just what you mean!

someone else said...
