Mar 15, 2006

Poor Hubby!

The hubby fell down the stairs this past weekend. Hurt his leg real bad. It took him until today to decide to go to the doctor. He's got a broken leg. Hmmm. Maybe you should have gone to the doctor sooner, eh hubs? Now he's got a prescription for 800 mg of Ibuprofen and a prescription for Vicodin. Looks like he's gonna pretty much be a zombie for our anniversary and anything we possibly may have planned for the weekend. Should be used to it by now; he was a zombie all weekend after it happened. Men. You know if this had happened to me, I'd still be expected to continue all motherly and housewifely duties. No rest for me, I'll tell ya. Oh, well. Guess that's why God made females the stronger species right ladies?? ;-) Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for the hubster, just wish he would've not been such a macho man and gone to the doc sooner.

Happy Anniversary to me, Happy Anniversary to me, Happy Anniversary dear Kristen....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!! Yee haw!


Unknown said...

Poor Husband! Woohoo for painkillers!

someone else said...

Let's hear it for the "stronger of the species!"

(sorry about the broken leg)

Rachelle said...

Poor husband! And what a man. It's not that bad honey. I don't need to go to the dr. Such a man thing!

JD said...

We hit four years too this March!! Congrats "stronger" of the two.

Kristen said...

Happy Anniversary to you, too! Thanks for visiting me! :-)