Mar 24, 2006

Oh, for the love of nausea!

First two thoughts that come to my head when I'm nauseated. I'm either catching the ever dreaded stomach flu, or I'm pregnant. Which is the lesser of two evils?! I can justify and handle the stomach yuckies when I'm pregnant cuz I know I get a great prize at the end. However that particular prize right now would be too much to handle. Maybe I just filled my belly with too much coffee and Diet Dr. Pepper this morning and not enough food. Yeah. I'm hoping that's it. Cuz I can't leave work today. There's only two of us and I think the other half of our staff would KILL ME WITH HER FORK if I left today. I was gonna go get a Chipotle burrito. Should I or would that make matters that much worse? I dunno. Just want the swirling head to slow down. Pardon me whilst I put my head on my desk for awhile.


Anonymous said...

That is totally the same for me!! I am so paranoid about being pregnant and I couldn't handle three under three 24/7.

Sherry said...

I think you should be pregnant...

Kristen said...

Ahh..Sherry. You think so? I think if I was I'd be a single mom cuz the hubby would have a heart attack! :-)

Kristen said...

Uh oh. I'm afraid I may have caused a vicious rumor to start circulating. As far as I know, I am NOT preggo. I just feel nauseous. But you all are making me paranoid. Maybe I should go buy a test on the way home.....

Unknown said...

I'm going to vote for the the Dr. Pepper on an empty stomach. My head swims when I have heavy sugar on an empty stomach too.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am a new visitor (from Ohio)--mind if I add you to my list of "good"blogs? ( I haven't had time to get mine going yet--maybe sometime between my youngests puberty and my menopause I will have time.
(By the way--I vote preggers ;)

Chris (Ohio mom)

Kristen said...

Feel free to add me chris. Let me know when you get yours up. :-)

Unknown said...

How are you feeling today??? You've got us curious now!

Rachelle said...

Kill you with a fork. LOL! I think the pg thing woudl be awesome, but not if you don't want it right now.

someone else said...

Kristen, just look at what you started!! Haha