Jan 28, 2007

The One That's #200!

Before I commence with the nonesenseness that will be my 200th post, I wanted to thank everyone who may have thought of me or prayed for me or crossed their fingers for me this morning when I made my big solo debut. Although I probably looked like something akin to a deer caught in the headlights and felt like I was in a bubble shielding myself from any tomatoes that may have flown my way, I guess it went pretty well. When someone who typically doesn't care to give me the time of day went out of her way to tell me she enjoyed my song, I guess it wasn't a total failure.
This is my 200th post. In about two weeks, it's my blogaversary. Big stuff happenin' here. I'm not going to do 200 things about me, or ask for 200 comments, or even try to use my brain today to come up with something clever. I'm clevered out right now, not to mention tired, so I'm going to post some complete and utter nonsense that has run through my head or happened to me within the last couple of weeks or so that I've been saving up for a random post. Let the randomness begin.
My mom got me a gift card to Cost Cutters for Christmas. It was her not so subtle way of forcing my hand to cut my hair to her liking again. I will admit; I needed something done to my hair. It had been quite awhile since I even had a trim. But after a lot of thought, I decided I was unwilling to part with my luscious, long locks. OK...maybe not luscious....but for sure long. On my lunch break one day last week, I went and got it cut: alittlebit.

This is what she was hoping I'd come
home with.

And this is what I actually came home with. Except with bangs. Sorry, Mom. I know you're disappointed. Maybe when I'm 40 I'll cut my hair short again. Or when I finally get sick of my hair ending up with toothpaste spit and food all over it. That gets kinda gross.


What do you do when your four year old daughter approaches you with her latest "masterpiece" after practicing her pre-school like culinary skills? I was approached by Care Bear yesterday afternoon to try a sample of her deliciousness. What I saw in the bowl looked like something the neighbors cat might have puked up. I smiled and took a pretend bite. "Mmmmm....delicious.", I said. "No mommy. Take a real bite." "Uhhhh....What's in it Care Bear?" "Smooshed up Teddy Grahams, apple juice and string cheese." Ohhh....so that's what those chunks are. "Umm...sorry, Care Bear. I'm really not hungry right now. Maybe I'll try it later." She was disappointed, but I was grateful to her that she didn't push the issue. I'm hoping I didn't end up squashing the future Rachel Ray. Next thing you know, I'll see Care Bear's exact recipe in Good Housekeeping.


Last week, I went to Chipotle for lunch. What am I talking about? I always go to Chipotle for lunch. All the employees know me there. Except last week there was a new girl running the cash register. She didn't know me. I was sporting my ultra cool Broncos jacket with my name embroidered on it compliments of my dear MIL.

"Are you a Broncos cheerleader?!" she said.

"Why, yes, actually, I am". I said. But not really. I told her no, I'm not. She thought my jacket looked "official" therefore thought I was a cheerleader.

I love her. She got a tip. And a recommendation from me for a raise. She's my new favorite person.


Care Bear likes pillow talk. Well, truth be told, the kid likes to talk whenever about whatever at all times of the day. But after night-night prayers, she really likes to talk. Last night her talk was revolved around how much she loves me. And then she told me a secret. "Mommy, I love you so much I'm going to ess-plode!" Take note: According to Care Bear, the correct pronunciation for the word is not "explode" or "eggs-plode" but "ess-plode". See, some people say it "egg-splode", but that is wrong. It doesn't really matter how you say the first part of the word, but when you hear Care Bear say it, it will always be "ess-plode". Just so you know.


I start my new work schedule tomorrow. My boss came into my work area yesterday (you know; my third work area in three months) and told me, "OK. How about you move back over to where you were last week when you start your new schedule."

WhatEVER. I'm getting dizzy and confused from so much moving. I keep going to the wrong desk after lunch and in the morning because I can't remember from one day to the next where I'm sitting. And it's not over. OH NO. Big changes and stuff happening in the office. The head honcho wants our area when the change occurs. Us peons will be moving. That makes the tally by the time it's all over : 5 moves for Kristen in as many months. But I'm not complaining. I'm not bitter. Color me happy.


And that's all the randomness floating through my brain for now. Enjoy your Monday (tomorrow that is. Today is Sunday).


Anonymous said...

For anyone reading this, Kristen did NOT look like a deer in the headlights. She did great. Her grandpa was impressed.

I was disappointed that she cut off .01 of an inch for my bucks. It's all back already. She looks so adorable in short!

I can't believe that office is so unorganized and disrespectful of its employees sometimes. Crazy!

This is mom unable to publish - second time today with new blogger to new blogger. Frustrating!

Susie said...

Looks like your Mom is having trouble commenting. Glad your solo went well, I loved that song you had playing. Could you tell me the name of it??

Carole Burant said...

I'm so glad to hear that your solo went so well...I just knew it would:-) Loved reading all your random thoughts! lol I'm 49 and still have my long hair...my mom is always after me to get it cut but I just can't bear to do it yet! I told her I'll be an old lady with a big bun! lol Good luck with the new schedule at work...it's no wonder you're getting tired of being moved around after that many times!! Hugs xoxo

someone else said...

That was just plain fun to read. All of it. And I'm glad the solo went so well. You're braver than I'd ever dream of being!!

And from someone who has a husband who always reminds me how HE likes my hair, I say do with yours what you want! He says short, I say longer! It's my hair. It's your hair.

kpjara said...

I love this post. It was fun, informative and just what I needed to read to get back on track!

That's so cool the new girl thought you were a cheerleader...you do look like a cheerleader. Your daughter cracks me UP! I want to ess-plode when I read her stuff!

I'm also glad the solo went well! You are talented in so many areas and congrats on the post and blog-iversary!

Barb said...

Good for you for standing your hair ground. You know, I love your mom. But she's just like me. Always giving my girls advice on how cute they'd look if only they'd ......

Love you Dawn, but I'm proud of your daughter. Been there, been rejected and laughed at, done that.

Mandy, if you're reading this, about those bangs.....


Good for you Kristen.

And oh you poor thing, those constant cubicle moves. It's ridiculous how they just casually say, "Oh, we're moving you over here because it works for us. Of course, we understand this is going to take you two days to accomplish, but we still need those reports....."

Sigh. You're in my thoughts and prayers. xoxoxo

Diane@Diane's Place said...

I'm glad but not surprised that your solo went so well. :-)

I'm 43 and my hair is down to my waist. My Mama hated me in long hair. She was always trying to talk me into cutting my hair off, but I've got a mind of my own. I'll cut it when I get tired of fooling with it and not a minute before.

Good luck with your new schedule tomorrow, and to your Mom, too. Have a great week! :-)

Sherry said...

cute post. nice going on the solo, I'm sure it was wonderful. We'll be there in May, hope to hear one then. I think you should download it and stream it through your blog if you taped it...;)

Sema said...

Kristen, good job on the solo, which we could be there, but other commitments made it impossible. Like I have said before, I like you with long hair. Maybe one of these days, you can have braids on it again? Remember when I did that for you about six years ago?

Unknown said...

I bet you did a great job singing!

Happy 200th post! I can't seem to keep track of my milestone posts, but I do know my blogaversary is coming up soon, too :-) I enjoy your blog, so keep up the good work.

Good luck with your new work schedule!

Pam said...

Love the hair - short or long, with our without food:)

When Buckwheat was about 3 years old my Mom had just gotten out of the shower and put some gel in her hair. She goes and sits next to him on the couch to read him a book or something and he looks up at her and says, "Grammy, did you get popsicle in your hair again?" Puts it all right into perspective!

Congrats on the 200th post - maybe do something fun like eat 200 m&m's, over a short period of time of course:)

Linda said...

I love the little moments with the kids you share. Precious memories.
I think you look just fine with your pretty long hair. I'm partial to long hair. I finally let mine grow out - just sick of short hair.
I know how you feel about change. It just isn't much fun. Perhaps things will settle down now :)
Have a good monday Kristen.

Cheryl said...

On your 200th, you may "randomness" all you want to.

Congrats on the nomination and have a wonderfully...fully wonderful day!