Mar 1, 2007

"The Bright Flash"

Written by and told to me by Care Bear last night when she was supposed to be going to sleep:

One night, there was a bright *FLASH* that came down into a little girl's house. It was really bright and shined in all her windows. She thought it was a really bright flash, but it might have been stars.

"What is that really bright flash, Mommy?", the little girl asked.

"Well, honey," said the mommy, "I think it's just the stars."

"No, mommy. I don't think it is the stars. I think it's Jesus' eyeballs looking down on us. That's what the bright flash is."



Dawn said...

That child is really something!

Nancy said...

Yes, Care Bear is right- it is definitely Jesus looking down on us! It doesn't get better than that. (((((Care Bear)))))

TJ said...

Out of the mouths of babes!!

Linda said...

Tell Care Bear I love her story. I see the makings of a writer here. She reminds me of my daughter - who is now an editor!!!

Gabriela said...

too cute!