Mar 15, 2007


I've been a mommy for less than five years. Yet hearing the word, "Mommy" still makes my heart flutter. Especially when I hear my two year old daughter tell me as she's falling asleep, "'re the best Mommy ever!"

So, veteran you ever tire of hearing that word come out of your children's mouths? I don't think I ever will.


Lala's world said...

nope I never get sick of it....well when it comes out in a whine for the 100th time that can get a little nervy but never tired of hearing it!

Dawn said...

I still look around every time I heard the word "Mom" when I'm out in a crowd, for sure they're talking to me!

And now there's nothing better than being told, "You're the best Grandma ever!"

That Feisty has such a sweet heart!

Unknown said...

I do get tired of hearing the whiney Mom said over and over again and then I joke that I've changed my name, but even then I love hearing them call me mom. I love being a mom!

Unknown said...

P.S. Happy Anniversary!

someone else said...

It never grows old.

Anonymous said...

Nope. I've been a mother for 11 and a step-mom for 13 and never gets old. If they ever stop saying it, then be worried!!

Lei said...

Oh yes. My heart sinks when they grow out of it and begin using "Mom" instead.