Mar 15, 2007

Five Years

I Kristen, take thee Mike
as my wedded Husband, to have
and to hold from this day forward, for better
for worse, for richer for poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to
cherish, till death us do part,
according to God's holy ordinance; and
thereto I plight thee my troth.

I Mike, take thee Kristen as my wedded
Wife, to have and to hold from this day
forward, for better for worse, for
richer for poorer, in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish, till
death us do part, according to God's holy
ordinance; and thereto I plight
thee my troth.

Five years ago today, my husband and I spoke those words to eachother in the church I grew up in. My grandfather performed the ceremony. My other grand-father (now deceased) prayed for us. My cousin Karen and my sister-in-law Sema stood up for me as bridesmaids. My brother and Mike's brother stood up him as groomsmen. My mother-in-law sang; my parents sang; Sema and Kevin quoted the love chapter from 1 Corinthians. Anakin was our ring-bearer. My father-in-law was our photographer. Mike's sister and his brother's wife were our candle-lighters. It was a very family oriented ceremony.

The day of the wedding was busy and bustling. I spent the afternoon with all of the female members of the wedding party at a local tea-house. I got my hair done. It was a very busy and un-restful day. By the time the wedding actually arrived, I was exhausted. It didn't help that right as Mike was to be taking his place at the altar, Anakin decided to start giving us trouble.

Five years ago today. The time has flown. I look back on the past five years and wonder where it all went. In our five years of marriage, we've had sickness and health; good times and bad; better and worse. But despite the tests and the difficulties we still love eachother.

Five years. I wonder what the next five years will bring. Hopefully more health than sickness; more good times than bad; more better than worse.

I love you, Mike. Happy Anniversary.

signature 2


Barb said...

Beautiful wedding, Kristen. I love it that so many family members had parts in it.

Happy Anniversary to you two. You do have something special planned, right?

mamashine said...

Happy Anniversary!! And don't you look back at your pictures and think how young you were? I always do when I look at mine. :)

Lei said...

Happy 5 years! That's wonderful! And you were a beautfiul bride!

someone else said...

Happy Anniversary!

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary Kristen!! You were a lovely bride. I love the pictures. Wishes for many more years together filled with God's riches blessings.

Lala's world said...

what beautiful pictures! happy anniversary!

Unknown said...

I can't believe it has been that long already. It was a busy weekend, that's for sure! But all weddings are. :)