Her best friend in the whole world is the nursery worker at church. Her best friend is Sandy.
Shortly after Feisty was born and I was on maternity leave, I began attending the young mom's Bible Study at our church. Almost more for an opportunity to get out my house than anything else. I didn't think I would be able to continue going to the Bible Study after my maternity leave was over, however a schedule change at work allowed me to be able to continue going.
The lady who was doing the child care at the church for Bible Study didn't even attend our church. She's actually Catholic but came to one of our events for children and was later asked if she would be interested in covering nursery duty for our Bible Study.
Over the course of the last three years, Sandy has become a very integral part of our children's lives at church. She now is our full-time nursery worker; there for every single service as well as Bible Study.
Sandy and Feisty formed a bond very quickly. As a matter of fact, Sandy's 8 year old son fell in "love" with Feisty when she was just a baby and still vows to this day that he will one day marry Feisty.
Sandy treats Feisty as though she is one of her own. And without Sandy, church would be a rather difficult thing for Feisty. If there is ever a time when Sandy is not there, Feisty usually ends up in Sunday School with me. Sandy's absence is cause for major crisis in Feisty's world.
In a little over a month, when Feisty turns three, she will "graduate" out of the nursery and move onto the pre-school class. I'm beginning to mentally prepare Feisty now for the fact that soon she will no longer be in the nursery with Sandy. I dread the day. If it were up to me, Sandy would move up with Feisty all the way through her high school graduation. I have a feeling that to Feisty and Sandy, it will be something akin to a divorce.
I am very thankful for Sandy for she has given Feisty a wonderful friendship and cared for her wonderfully over the past few years. I hope their friendship continues once their time together in the nursery together comes to an end.
Thanks, Sandy! You're the best friend a two year old little girl could ever ask for!
Sandy said to me that she doesn't know who it's going to be harder on when Feisty moves - Feisty or her. She LOVES that little girl
ahhh that is so great! got to love those special friendships!
Every little girl should have such a wonderful best friend. We can make a difference....in the lives of little ones! Go Sandy!
What a sweet story!
Hannah attached herself to a nursery worker as a baby. We don't go to that church anymore, but we still see her. She's the secretary at Chase's school.
I still remember certain SS teachers and leaders to this day. People can make such huge impressions on children that last!
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