Mar 28, 2007

Some Assorted Randomness

I was typing on my blog the other day, which I am known to do, and Care Bear came up to me and wanted to sit on my lap while I was typing. She likes to "write" letters to people on the computer. Usually they look something like this:


Care Bear

And then she wants to "send" them. Since she's usually typing these letters in Word, I click on a button and pretend to send them on. I also usually "interpret" the letters that she writes based on what she is saying while she is writing them.

Today while I was composing my blog post, she announced that she wanted me to make her a blog. "How cute", I thought to myself. And then I thought, "why not"? So, I set up a blog for her. There, in her own blog, she can "write" all the letters that she wants, interpreted, of course, by me, and readers out there can be treated to a four year olds interpretation of life. Her blog is called Care Bear's World. You can find it here. Be a nice blogging friend, why don't ya and go tell her "hey!"


So, I went and got a Chipotle burrito today. Have you ever been there? Do you know how huge their burritos are? Well, usually I can eat an entire burrito, and it satisfies me for the rest of the day. Since the great stomach flu outbreak of 2007, I can only eat 3/4 of a burrito. Take a moment and mourn with me, please. (Or perhaps I am just tiring of them).


My job consists of a lot of time on the phone and on the computer. Ever tried typing on a computer and holding an old fashioned phone with an actual cord on your ear? Not exactly ergonomically correct. Oh, we've got headsets. But every now and then you forget you have the headset on and start walking away from your desk. I know what it must feel like to be a dog on a leash. So our office purchased us a nifty new "toy" that we are told to lock up every night or risk penalty of death. Wireless headsets. It's that toothbrush looking thing you see to the right of you.

Go on. Tell me how utterly ridiculous suh-weet I'm gonna look walking around my office sportin' that bad boy! At least I have long hair. It'll cover up most of it.


So, the worm story didn't generate too much interest. You all must either hate worms as much as me and couldn't stomach reading the thing, or something. Can't say that I blame ya.


I decided not to do a huge AI Celebrity News Post this week. But I will make a few comments.

SANJAYA-- Good grief, the hair. Again with the hair. Do I focus too much on people's hair in this show? Perhaps. But he looked like a peacock. Or one of those old Roman soldiers with one of those goofy helmets on. Or some sort of wierd bird ready to take flight. Oh, the humanity! Who could possibly focus on his singing when we had to be subjected to that freak show?!

HALEY-- Well, Haley. I don't know. The voice was alright, but as Simon said, forgettable. I have a feeling you might be in the bottom three this week.

GINA-- It's no secret she's my favorite of the females. This week she proved herself in my opinion. Great performance. She'll stick around.

LAKISHA-- I actually didn't get to see much of her performance. So I can't really comment much about her, but I'm sure she did fine and I'm sure she'll be back.

BLAKE-- Yeah to Simon for finally saying what I knew all along: He's the top male contender. Duh! (As Feisty would say). And yeah to Paula for saying she wants him in the finale. Not like too many people take too much stock in what Paula says these days.

CHRIS S.-- Uh oh. I have a bad feeling about him this week. Wasn't good much. I think he'll be in the bottom this week. Bummer.

JORDIN-- So she was trying to kiss Miss Stefani's hiney by singing one of her songs. It was too low for her in my opinion. And I thought the outfit was ridiculous. But I'm sure she'll be back. Still like her, though.

PHIL-- Loved it. Of course, anyone who can sing that classic Police song and pull it off is OK in my book. Yeah Phil! You'll be back.

CHRIS R--Liking this guy less and less every week. I didn't like this week at all even though the judges mushed and gushed all over him. Last week he was in the bottom two. Curious to see what happens this week.

MELINDA-- I don't really have anything different to say about her than I have every other week. She's talented and deserves to keep going, but she needs to start acting like she knows she's good. I guess that's part of her appeal.

My guess for the bottom three:

Sanjaya, Chris S., and Haley. It'd be nice if I was ever right.


So, that's it. Adios.


someone else said...

Bottom three? You were 2/3 right. WHEN is American going to wise up that Sanjaya is not idol caliber??

Connie said...

Like your new look!

I want one of those wireless headsets sooo badly! The fire department's dispatch center has them, but not us at the police department. It would be so nice not to be tethered to that console all night, but I suppose it comes in handy when a call comes in and i have to actually be at the console to type :P

Diane Viere said...


Well, you've been busy while I've been away! Love the new look. And how sweet, we can visit Care Bear directly! What fun!

American Idol is hard to understand this year. I wonder if they are going to have to change the voting criteria. Maybe one vote per phone line? And maybe keep Howard Stern away from the voting.....geesh---what is wrong with people...can't they leave a perfectly FUN show alone and let it run its course...the way it should!?!?!


Barb said...

The real question is who can focus on his singing, no matter what he looks like. Honestly, what a joke. I think even Sanjaya himself knows he's way out of his league. Lucky for him Howard Stern hates AI and this country is heavily populated with 11 and 12 year old little girls. Good grief.